Curriculum Vitae



ÃÖÈ¿ ¹Ú»ç (Dr. Hyo Choi; ±³¼ö)  (Àü ´ëÇпøÀå)

¿ì 25457

°­¿øµµ °­¸ª½Ã Á×Çå±æ 7

°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³ ÀÚ¿¬°úÇдëÇÐ ´ë±âȯ°æ°úÇаú

ÀüÈ­: 010-7240-0357, 033-640-2320(°ú)

Æѽº: 02-805-0356, 033-652-0356





¿ì 25563

°­¿øµµ °­¸ª½Ã ¼ÛÁ¤µ¿ 940-23, ´ë¸²¸Ç¼Ç¾ÆÆÄÆ® 209È£

(»ç´Ü¹ýÀÎ) ´ë±âÇؾçÀçÇØ¿¬±¸¼Ò

ÀüÈ­: 010-7240-0357, 033-652-0356

Æѽº: 02-805-0356, 033-652-0356



ÃÖÈ¿¹Ú»ç´Â Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎÀÇ ÇØ¿ÜÀ¯Ä¡°úÇÐÀÚ·Î °úÇбâ¼úºÎ »êÇÏ  Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø (KAIST), Çؾ翬±¸¼Ò (KORDI;  ÇöÀç, Çѱ¹Çؾç°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø(KIOST)¿¡¼­ ¼±ÀÓ¿¬±¸¿øÀ¸·Î ±Ù¹«ÇÏ¿´°í, Çؾç¼ö»êºÎ »êÇÏ ±¹¸³¼ö»ê°úÇпø µ¿Çؼö»ê¿¬±¸¼Ò¿¡¼­ ´ëÅë·É¹ß·ÉÀ¸·Î 2ȸ¿¡ °Éó ¼ö»ê¿¬±¸°ü°ú ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³¿¡¼­ ´ëÅë·É¹ß·ÉÀ¸·Î ±³¼ö·Î¼­ ±â»óÇÐ, Çؾ繰¸®ÇÐÇؾç°øÇÐ ¹× ´ë±âȯ°æ°øÇÐ ºÐ¾ß¿¡ 40 ¿©³â°£¿¡ °Éó ÄÄÇ»ÅͼöÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ ¿¬±¸¿Í °­ÀǸ¦ ¼öÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù.  ¶ÇÇÑ ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³¿¡¼­ 2ȸ¿¡ °Éó ´ëÇпøÀå°ú µ¿ÇؾÈÁö¿ª¿¬±¸¼ÒÀåÀ» ¿ªÀÓÇÏ¿´´Ù, 


¹Ì±¹ University of Texas at Austin (Åػ罺´ëÇб³-¿À½ºÆ¾)ÀÇ Åä¸ñ°øÇаú¿¡¼­ °øÇйڻçÇÐÀ§ (1984³â)¸¦ ÃëµæÇÏ¿´°í, Áß±¹ Peking University (ºÏ°æ´ëÇÐ)ÀǠȯ°æ°úÇдëÇп¡¼­ ÀÌÇйڻçÇÐÀ§ (2004³â)¸¦ ÃëµæÇÔÀ¸·Î½á 2°³ÀÇ ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§¸¦ ¼ÒÁöÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.   ´Ù¾çÇÑ ºÐ¾ß¿¡¼­ ¸¹Àº ¿¬±¸¸¦ ¼öÇàÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç, ±â»óÇÐ (ÀÏ±â ¹× ±âÈĺ¯È­, ¾Ç±â»ó ¹× ÀçÇØ, È«¼ö, ¾È°³, Àú±â¾Ð¹ß´Þ, °­Ç³, ÅÂdz, ³­·ù, ¿¬¾È ¹× Çؾç±â»ó, ±ØÁö±â»ó)°ú ȯ°æ°úÇÐ ¹× ȯ°æ°øÇÐ (Ȳ»çÃøÁ¤ ¹× ¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ, °Ç°­Áö¸®Á¤º¸ (GIS)¿Í ¸ðµ¨¸µ, ´ë±â¿À¿°¸ðµ¨¸µ ¹× ÃøÁ¤ ºÐ¼®, ´ë±âÁú°ü¸®, µµ½Ã¿À¿°ºÐ¼® ¹× ¿¹Ãø-¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨, Åë°è¸ðµ¨, Àΰø½Å°æ¸Á¸ðµ¨)°ú ÇؾçÇÐ (ÇØÆÄ ¹× ¼øȯ¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ, ÅÂdz¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ ¹× ¿¹Ãø, È«¼ö ¿¹Ãø ¹× ÇؼöÀÇ ¹ÝÀÀ, Çؾçȯ°æ¸ðµ¨¸µ ¹× ¼ö»ê»ý»ê¼º ¿¹Ãø, ¾î¾÷¾ç½ÄÀûÁö¼±Á¤)À» Çѱ¹, ¹Ì±¹, ij³ª´Ù, ¿µ±¹, µ¶ÀÏ, ·¯½Ã¾Æ, ÇÁ¶û½º, º§±â¿¡, ³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ, À̶õ, ÅÍÅ°, Àεµ, ½º¸®¶ûÄ«, ¿À½ºÆ®·¼¸®¾Æ, ű¹, ¸»·¹À̽þÆ, ¹Ì¾È¸¶, È«Äá, ´ë¸¸, Áß±¹, ÀϺ», Ä¥·¹, ¸ß½ÃÄÚÀÇ ´ëÇÐ ¹× ¿¬±¸¼Ò¿Í Çù·ÂÇÏ¿© ¼öÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù. 


ÃÖÈ¿¹Ú»ç´Â Çѱ¹ÀÇ ³²±Ø±âÁö°¡ ¼³Ä¡µÇ±â Àü¿¡ "Çѱ¹³²±ØŽ»ç´ë"ÀÇ ÀÏ¿øÀ¸·Î 2ȸ (1985³â, 1987³â)¿¡ °Éó  ³²±ØŽ»ç¸¦ ¼öÇàÇÏ¿´°í, "³²±Ø¿¬±¸°úÇÐÀ§¿øȸ(SCAR)(1986³â)"¿Í "³²±ØÁ¶¾à ¹× °úÇÐÁ¤Ã¥Á¤ºÎ°£È¸ÀÇ (1986³â)"¿¡ Çѱ¹´ëÇ¥·Î¼­ÀÇ È°µ¿À» ÅëÇØ Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎÀÇ ³²±ØÁ¶¾à °¡ÀÔ¿¡ ±â¿©ÇÔÀ¸·Î½á Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ·ÎºÎÅÍ ±¹¹ÎÈÆÀå ¸ñ·ÃÀå (1986³â 12¿ù 24ÀÏ; 37¼¼)À» ¼ö¿©¹Þ¾Ò´Ù.  Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎÀÇ È¯°æºÎ, ±³À°ºÎ, Çؾç¼ö»êºÎ, Á¤ºÎ »êÇÏ ¿¬±¸¿ø (Çѱ¹°úÇÐÀç´Ü, Çѱ¹ÇмúÁøÈïÀç´Ü, Çѱ¹¿¬±¸Àç´Ü, Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼úÁ¤º¸¿¬±¸¿ø, ±¹¸³È¯°æ¿¬±¸¿ø, ±¹¸³ÇؾçÁ¶»ç¿ø, ±¹¸³¼ö»êÁøÈï¿ø, ±¹¸³¼ö»ê°úÇпø, °­¿øµµ º¸°Çȯ°æ¿¬±¸¿ø, Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú´ÜüÃÑ¿¬ÇÕȸ, µî)°ú ÁöÀÚü (°­¸ª½Ã, ¾ç¾ç±º, Æòⱺ, ȭõ±º µî)ÀÇ Æò°¡À§¿ø, ½É»ç ¹× ½ÉÀÇÀ§¿øÀ¸·Î È°µ¿ÇÏ¿´´Ù.  


¶ÇÇÑ Çѱ¹È¯°æ°úÇÐȸ ȸÀå (2002~2003) ¹× ¾Æ½Ã¾Æ-¿À¼¼¾Æ´Ï¾Æ Áö±¸°úÇÐȸ (AOGS; 60±¹°¡-º»ºÎ ½Ì°¡Æú)ÀÇ ´ë±âºÐ¾ß È¸Àå (2005~2009)À¸·Î È°µ¿ÇÏ¿´°í,  Å±¹ÀÇ AIT (¾Æ½Ã¾Æ±â¼ú¿¬±¸¼Ò) °øÇбâ¼ú´ëÇпø, ½Ì°¡ÆúÀÇ ±¹¸³½Ì°¡Æú´ëÇÐÀÇ Åä¸ñ.ȯ°æ°øÇаú, ÀεµÀÇ ¾ÆÂ÷¾ß ³ª°¡ÁÖ³ª´ëÇР ȯ°æ°úÇаúÀÇ ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§³í¹® ½É»çÀÚ·Î È°µ¿ÇÏ¿´´Ù,   ÇöÀç ¿µ±¹ÀÇ ±¹Á¦ÀÎ¸í¼¾ÅÍ (IBC)ÀÇ ºÎÀÌ»çÀå (2005~ÇöÀç), Áß±¹ÀÇ Áß±¹°úÇпø ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò °í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü¹®°¡ (2015~ÇöÀç), Áß±¹ÀÇ Â¼ÀåÇؾç´ëÇÐÀÇ °âÁ÷±³¼ö (2013~ÇöÀç)ÀεµÀÇ Æùµðü¸®´ëÇÐ ¿¬¾ÈÀçÇØ°ü¸®ÇаúÀÇ ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§³í¹® ½É»çÀÚ·Î È°µ¿ÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, (»ç´Ü¹ýÀÎ) ´ë±âÇؾçÀçÇØ¿¬±¸¼Ò ÀÌ»çÀå (2014~ÇöÀç)À¸·Î ±Ù¹«ÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.


15°³ÀÇ ±¹Á¦Àú³Î (¹Ì±¹, Àεµ, ½Ì°¡Æú)ÀÇ ÆíÁýÀå (Editor-in-Chief)°ú 35°³ÀÇ ±¹Á¦Àú³Î (¹Ì±¹, ¿µ±¹, ½ºÀ§½º, ÀÌŸ®, ij³ª´Ù,  È«Äá, ½Ì°¡Æú, ³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ)ÀÇ ÆíÁýÀÚ (Editor)·Î È¯°æ°øÇÐ, Åä¸ñ°øÇÐ, Çؾç°øÇÐ, ÇؾçÇÐ, ¼ö»êÇÐ, ½ÄÇ°°úÇÐ, ¼ö¸®ÇÐ, ±â»óÇÐ, ¼öÀÚ¿ø, Áö¸®Á¤º¸, ÀçÇØ, ³ó¾÷ºÐ¾ß¿¡¼­ ÇмúÇÒµ¿À» ÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù.   ¶ÇÇÑ ¼¼°è ¿©·¯³ª¶ó¿¡¼­ °³Ãֵǰí ÀÖ´Â ±¹Á¦È¸ÀÇ¿¡¼­ °³ÃÖ  ÀÇÀå, ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, ÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, ±âÁ¶¿¬¼³ÀÚ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, ÃÊû¹ßÇ¥ÀÚ·Î È°µ¿ÇÏ°í ÀÖ°í, 100ȸ ÀÌ»óÀÇ ÁÂÀå ¿ªÇÒÀ» ¼öÇàÇÔÀ¸·Î½á, ±¹Á¦ÀûÀÎ °úÇг×Æ®¿÷Å©ÀÇ Çü¼º ¹× ÇàÁ¤¾÷¹«ÀÇ Á¶Á¤¿¡ ¸Å¿ì ´É¼÷ÇÏ´Ù.







                   Major Field



1999 ~2004

College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University,

(Áß±¹, ºÏ°æ´ëÇÐ, ȯ°æ°úÇдëÇÐ)

Beijing 100871, The People¡¯s Republic of China

Atmospheric Chemistry & Environmental Pollution Numerical Modeling

(´ë±âÈ­ÇÐ, È¯°æ¿À¿°¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ)

(Thesis: Influence of large scale motion and atmospheric boundary layer upon dust storm generation and local particulate concentration)



1980 ~1984

Dept. of Civil Engineering,

University of Texas at Austin

(¹Ì±¹, Åػ罺´ëÇб³ (¿À½ºÆ¾),


Austin, TX 78712, USA.

Coastal/Marine Meteorology & Numerical Modeling

(¿¬¾È/Çؾç±â»ó, ¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ)

(Thesis: On the formation of nocturnal coastal surface wind speed maximum)



1976 ~1978

Dept. of Meteorology,

Seoul National University

(¼­¿ï´ëÇб³ ´ëÇпø ±â»óÇаú)

Seoul 151-742, Korea

Marine Meteorology/Physical Oceanography  & Numerical Modeling  

(Çؾç±â»ó, Çؾ繰¸® ¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ)

(Thesis: Study on numerical prediction of wind waves under the rapidly development of extra-tropical cyclone in the East Sea)



1968 ~1976

Dept. of Meteorology,

Seoul National University

(¼­¿ï´ëÇб³ ±â»óÇаú)

Seoul 151-742, Korea






0 2014-ÇöÀç:      Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster Research Institute (Korea):  Director General

                   (Çѱ¹, (»ç´Ü¹ýÀÎ) ´ë±âÇؾçÀçÇØ¿¬±¸¼Ò, ÀÌ»çÀå)

0 1988-2014:      Gangneung-Wonju National University (Korea): Full Professor (1994-Present);

                   (Associate Professor(ºÎ±³¼ö:1988. 3. 1.-1993. 3. 31) (Nominated by President of Korean

                    Government);  Coastal Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry & Modeling, Oceanic Environment

                         modeling and Analysis, Ocean waves and current modeling, GIS.

                        (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³, Á¤±³¼ö (Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ, ´ëÅë·É ¹ß·É)-1993. 4.1.-2014. 8. 31.)

                    (ºÎ±³¼ö-(Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ, ´ëÅë·É ¹ß·É)-1988. 3.1.-1993. 3. 31.))

0 2016-2016    South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (China): High-end Foreign Expert (2016. 3. 1.

                           ~ 2016. 11. 30.)

                        (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇпø ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò, °í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü°¡ (ÍÔÓ®èâÏÐîöÊ«)

0 2015-2015    South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (China): High-end Foreign Expert (2015. 3. 1,

                         2015. 10. 31.)

                        (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇпø ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò, °í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü°¡ (ÍÔÓ®èâÏÐîöÊ«)

0 2013-ÇöÀç    Zhejiang Ocean University (China): Adjunct Professor (Sept. 25, 2013)

                        (Áß±¹, Àý°­Çؾç´ëÇÐ, °âÁ÷±³¼ö)

0 2011-2012:    Gangneung-Wonju National University (Korea): The Graduate School, Dean

                         (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³, ´ëÇпøÀå)

0 2009-2011:     Gangneung-Wonju National University (Korea): The Graduate School, Dean

                    (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³, ´ëÇпøÀå)

0 2003-2005:     East Sea Fisheries Research Institute/National Fishery Research and Development

                    Institute (NFRDI), Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries (Korea):

                    Fishery Researcher (Nominated by President of Korean Government; Ocean environment

                                 modeling and analysis for fisheries

                               (Çѱ¹, Çؾç¼ö»êºÎ, ±¹¸³¼ö»ê°úÇпø/µ¿ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò, ¿¬±¸°ü (Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ, ´ëÅë·É¹ß·É)

0 1997-1999:     East Sea Fisheries Research Institute/National Fishery Research and Development 

                    Agency (NFRDA), Mnistry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries (Korea):

                    Fishery Researcher (Nominated by President of Korean Government; Ocean environment

                                 modeling and analysis for fisheries

                               (Çѱ¹, Çؾç¼ö»êºÎ, ±¹¸³¼ö»êÁøÈï¿ø/µ¿Çؼö»ê¿¬±¸¼Ò, ¿¬±¸°ü (Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ, ´ëÅë·É¹ß·É)

0 1989-1991:     Donghae Coastal Region Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University

                   (Korea): Director General

                   (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³, µ¿ÇؾÈÁö¿ª¿¬±¸¼Ò, ¼ÒÀå)

0 1988-1990:     Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences, Gangneung-Wonju National University

                    (Korea): Chairman

                   (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª´ëÇб³, ´ë±â°úÇаú, ÇаúÀå)

0 1984-1988:      Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute(KORDI)/Korea Advanced Institute of

                   Science & Technology(KAIST), Ministry of Science & Technology(Korea):

                   Korean Government Overseas Invited Senior Scientist: Ocean Environmental Engineering,

                               Physical Oceanography and Marine Meteorological modeling & analysis

                               (Çѱ¹, °úÇбâ¼úºÎ, Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø(KAIST)/Çѱ¹Çؾ翬±¸¿ø(KORDI; (Çö) Çѱ¹Çؾç°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø

                    (KIOST), Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎÃÊû ÇØ¿ÜÀ¯Ä¡°úÇÐÀÚ, ¼±ÀÓ¿¬±¸¿ø)

0 1981-1983:      Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin (USA): Research Assistant;  

                               Coastal meteorology    

                   (¹Ì±¹, Texas´ëÇб³ (¿À½ºÆ¾), Åä¸ñ°øÇаú, ¿¬±¸Á¶±³)

0 1979-1980:      Laboratory for Atmospheric Research, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign

                   (USA):  Research Assistant;  Meso-meteorology    

                   (¹Ì±¹, Illinois´ëÇб³ (¾î¹Ù³ª-¼¤ÆäÀÎ), ´ë±â¿¬±¸¼Ò, ¿¬±¸Á¶±³)



    (¹Ì±¹, ¿µ±¹, ij³ª´Ù, µ¶ÀÏ, º§Áö¿ò, Çë°¡¸®, ÅÍÅ°, Àεµ, ½Ì°¡Æú, ¸»·¹À̽þÆ,

       Áß±¹, ÀϺ», Çѱ¹)


[1] Professional Position (±¹³».¿Ü Àü¹®Á÷Ã¥--ÀÌ»çÀå, ÇÐȸȸÀå, ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ °³ÃÖȸÀå,  ´ëÇпøÀå, 

                 ±³¼ö, ¿¬±¸¼ÒÀå, °í´ÜÀü¹®°¡, Á¤ºÎ´ëÇ¥, Á¤ºÎÃʺù°úÇаú, ³²±ØŽ»çÀÚ):


0 Director General: Atmsopheric & Oceanic Disaster Research Institute, Korea (2014. 7. 1.~ÇöÀç)

                    (Çѱ¹, (»ç´Ü¹ýÀÎ) ´ë±âÇؾçÀçÇØ¿¬±¸¼Ò, ÀÌ»çÀå(2014. 7. 1.~ÇöÀç)

0 Professor: Dept. of Atmsopheric & Environmental Sciences, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea

                     (1988. 3. 1.-2014. 8. 31. )

                    (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³, ±³¼ö) (´ëÅë·É ¹ß·É-1993. 4.1.)

0 Dean:  Graduate School, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea (2011-2012)

                    (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª´ëÇб³, ´ëÇпøÀå (2011. 9. -2012. 9.)

0 Dean: Graduate School, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea (2009-2011)

               (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³, ´ëÇпøÀå (2009. 10.-2011, 10.)

0 High-end Foreign Expert:  South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

                (2016. 3. 1.~2016. 11. 30.)

               (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇпø ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò, °í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü°¡ (ÍÔÓ®èâÏÐîöÊ«) (2016. 3. 1.~2016. 11. 30.)

0 High-end Foreign Expert:  South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

                (2015. 3. 1.~2015. 10. 31.)

               (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇпø ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò, °í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü°¡ (ÍÔÓ®èâÏÐîöÊ«) (2015. 3. 1.~2015. 10. 31.)

0 Adjunct Professor:  Zhejiang Ocean University, China (2013. 9. 25.~ÇöÀç)

               (Áß±¹, Àý°­Çؾç´ëÇÐ, °âÁ÷±³¼ö) (2013. 9. 25.~ÇöÀç)

0 Deputy Director General: International Biographical Centre (IBC), UK (England) (2005. 6.~2014. 6.)

            (¿µ±¹, ¼¼°èÀÎ¸í¼¾ÅÍ, ºÎ¼ÒÀå) (2005. 6.~2014. 6.)

0 President: ¡°Pacific Congress on Marine Science & Technology (IPACON)", Hawaii, USA, September, 

                 2021. 9.~ÇöÀç)

                (¹Ì±¹, ÅÂÆò¾ç°úÇбâ¼úÃÑȸ, ȸÀå, 2021³â 09¿ù~ÇöÀç)

0 President: ¡°5th Edition Euroscicon Conference on Environmetal Science & Engineering¡±, Budapest, Hungary,

                (October 29~30ÀÏ) (2018~2018)

            (Ç×°¡¸®, 5Â÷ ȯ°æ°úÇÐ ¹× °øÇÐ À¯·´ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖȸÀå) (2018. 10.-29~30.)

0 President: ¡°International Conference on Environment Science & Biotechnology",  Tokyo, Japan (2017. 12.-27~29.)

            (ÀϺ», ȯ°æ°úÇÐ ¹× »ý¸í°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖȸÀå) (2017. 12.-27~29.)

0 President: ¡°International Conference on Advances in Environment Research", Shanghai, China (2016. 7. 7~7. 9.)

            (Áß±¹, ȯ°æ¿¬±¸¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖȸÀå) (2016. 7. 7~7. 9.)

0 President: ¡°International Conference on Environmental Disaster Management & Prediction", Gangneung, Korea

                    (2014. 8. 18.~8. 20.14)

            (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª, ȯ°æÀçÇØ°ü¸® ¹× ¿¹Ãø ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖȸÀå) (2014. 8. 18.~8. 20.14)

0 Presdient: Atmospheric Science (AS) and Oceanic Science Sections (OS), Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society  

               (AOGS-53 Nations, Singapore-center) (2006-2008),  (Vice President: 2005-2006 and 2008-2009-AS,  

                Vice-President: 2005-2006-OS) (Total 5 years services), Singapore

            (½Ì°¡Æú, ¾Æ½Ã¾Æ-´ë¾çÁÖÁö±¸°úÇÐȸ-53°³±¹, ´ë±âºÐ¾ß ȸÀå)(2006~2008) (ºÎȸÀå: 2005~2006, 


0 Co-President: ¡°3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management¡±, Istanbul, Turkey (2005. 9. 26~9. 30.)

            (ÅÍÅ°, 3Â÷´ë±âÁú°ü¸® ±¹Á¦½ÉÆ÷Áö¿ò, °³ÃÖ°øµ¿È¸Àå) (2005. 9. 26~9. 30.)

0 Fishery Researcher: Nominated by President of Korean Government): East Sea Fisheries Research

               Institute,  National Fishery Research & Development Institute(NFRDI), Ministry of Maritime Affairs &

               Fisheries, Korea  (2003. 8.~2005. 8.)

            (Çѱ¹, Çؾç¼ö»êºÎ, ±¹¸³¼ö»ê°úÇпø, µ¿Çؼö»ê¿¬±¸¼Ò, ¿¬±¸°ü (´ëÅë·É ¹ß·É) (2003. 8.~2005. 8.)

0 President: ¡°International Symposium on Clean Environment¡±. Cheonan, Korea (2003. 11. 21.-11. 22.)

             (Çѱ¹, ûÁ¤È¯°æ±¹Á¦½ÉÆ÷Áö¿ò, °³ÃÖȸÀå) (2003. 11. 21.-11. 22.)

0 Representative President among Environmental Sciences Societies in Korea: ¡°2003 Korean Scientific

               Festival-EXPO for Juvenile Science & Engineering Majors and Courses¡±, Korean Science Foundation,  

               Ministry Science & Technology,  Korean Government, Korea (2003. 8. 13.~. 8. 17,)

               (Çѱ¹, °úÇбâ¼úºÎ, Çѱ¹°úÇÐÀç´Ü, "2003 Çѱ¹°úÇÐÆ佺Ƽ¹ú-û³â°úÇÐ/°øÇÐÀü°øEXPO", Çѱ¹

             ÀüüÀÇ È¯°æ°úÇÐÇÐȸ Áß ÃÑ°ý´ëÇ¥ ȸÀå) (2003. 8. 13.~. 8. 17,)

0 Representative President among Environmental Sciences Societies in Korea: ¡°2002 Scientific EXPO

               for  Middle School Students", Korean Science Foundation, Ministry of Science & Technology, Korea,

               (2002. 8. 13~8. 17.)

            (Çѱ¹, °úÇбâ¼úºÎ, Çѱ¹°úÇÐÀç´Ü, "2002 Áß.°íµîÇлý°úÇÐEXPO", Çѱ¹ ÀüüÀÇ È¯°æ°úÇÐÇÐȸ Áß

             ÃÑ°ý´ëÇ¥ ȸÀå)

0 President: Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea (2002-2003) (Vice President(Üùüåíþ): 1998. 5.~2002. 5.)

               (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹È¯°æ°úÇÐȸ ȸÀå) (2002. 5.~2003. 12.)

0 Representative President among Environmental Sciences Societies in Korea, Environment, Energy &  

                Ecology Symposium, "2002 World Congress of Korean and Korean-Ethnic Scientists & Engineers",

                Korean  Federation of Science & Technology Society, Korea (2002. 7. 10.~7. 14)

            (Çѱ¹, °úÇбâ¼úºÎ, Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú´ÜüÃÑ¿¬ÇÕȸ, "2002ÇѹÎÁ·°úÇбâ¼úÀÚ¼¼°èÃÑȸ", Çѱ¹ ÀüüÀÇ

             ȯ°æ°úÇÐÇÐȸ Áß ÃÑ°ý´ëÇ¥ È¸Àå) (2002. 7. 10.~7. 14)

0 Guest Invited Professor: Environmental Science Center, Peking University, supported by Natural  Science Foundation

                     of China (NSFC),  China (1999. 12.~2000. 1.)

                   (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇÐÀç´ÜÁö¿ø-1±Þ, ºÏ°æ´ëÇРȯ°æ°úÇÐÁß½É, Áß±¹Á¤ºÎ Ãʺù¹æ¹®±³¼ö)(1999. 12.~2000. 1.)

0 Fishery Researcher: Nominated by President of Korean Government;; East Sea Fisheries Research Institute,  

                National Fishery Research & Development Agency(NFRDA), Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries,  

             Korea (1997. 8.~1999. 7.)

                 (Çѱ¹, Çؾç¼ö»êºÎ, ±¹¸³¼ö»êÁøÈï¿ø, µ¿Çؼö»ê¿¬±¸¼Ò, ¿¬±¸°ü (´ëÅë·É ¹ß·É) (1997. 8.~1999. 7.)

0 Guest Invited Researcher: Meteorological Research Institute(MRI), Japan Meteorological Agency, supported  by MRI,

                     Japan (1998. 7.~1998. 8.)

                    (ÀϺ», ÀϺ»±â»ó¿¬±¸¼Ò Áö¿ø, Ãʺù¿¬±¸ÀÚ) (1998. 7.~1998. 8.)

0 Guest Invited Researcher: Meteorological Research Institute(MRI), Japan Meteorological Agency, supported  by MRI,

                     Japan (1997. 7.~-1997. 8.)

             (ÀϺ», ÀϺ»±â»ó¿¬±¸¼Ò Áö¿ø, Ãʺù¿¬±¸ÀÚ) (1997. 7.~-1997. 8.)

0 Guest Invited Researcher: Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academia Sinica, supported by Natural  Science

                     Foundation of China (NSFC), China (1995. 12.~1996. 1.)

              (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇÐÀç´ÜÁö¿ø-1±Þ, Áß±¹°úÇпø Çؾ翬±¸¼Ò, Áß±¹Á¤ºÎ Ãʺù¿¬±¸ÀÚ)(1995. 12.~1996. 1.)

0 Guest Invited Researcher: Meteorological Research Institute(MRI), Japan Meteorological Agency, supported  by MRI,

                     Japan (1994. 7.~1994. 7.)

              (ÀϺ», ÀϺ»±â»ó¿¬±¸¼Ò Áö¿ø, Ãʺù¿¬±¸ÀÚ) (1994. 7.~1994. 7.)

0 Director General(¼ÒÀå): Donghae Coastal Region Research Institute, Kangnung National University, Korea

                (1989. 10.-1991. 9.)

              (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª´ëÇб³, µ¿ÇؾÈÁö¿ª¿¬±¸¼Ò, ¼ÒÀå)  (1989. 10.-1991. 9.)

0 Professor: Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences, Kangnung National University (renamed in

                 2009, Gangneung-Wonju National University), Korea (1988. 3. 1.-2014. 8. 31.)

            (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª´ëÇб³, Á¤±³¼ö) (´ëÅë·É ¹ß·É) (1988. 3. 1.-2014. 8. 31.)

0 Chairman(Ρíþ): Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Kangnung National University, Korea (1988. 3. 1.~1990. 2. 28.)

              (Çѱ¹, ±¹¸³°­¸ª´ëÇб³, ´ë±â°úÇаú ÇаúÀå) (1988. 3. 1.~1990. 2. 28.)

0 Investigator & Interpreter, Korean Antarctic Scientific Expedition Team: Korean Government, King George Island,

                      Antarctica (1987. 4.~1987. 4.)

                    (³²±Ø, Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ Çѱ¹³²±Ø°úÇÐŽ»ç´ë (Å·Á¶Áö¼¶), Ž»çÀÚ/Å뿪ÀÚ)  (1987. 4.~1987. 4.)

0 Korean Government Representative: Intergovernmental Meeting (Antarctic Science & Policy), Racine, USA

              (1986. 6.~1986. 6.)

                  (¹Ì±¹, ·¹À̽ŽÃ, ³²±Ø°úÇÐÁ¤Ã¥ Á¤ºÎ°£È¸ÀÇ, Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ´ëÇ¥) (1986. 6.~1986. 6.)

0 Korean Government Representative: SCAR (Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research) committee, Sandiego,

              USA (1986. 6.~1986. 6.)

                    (¹Ì±¹, »÷µð¿¡°í½Ã, SCAR (³²±Ø°úÇבּ¸) À§¿øȸ ȸÀÇ, Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ´ëÇ¥) (1986. 6.~1986. 6.)

0 Investigator & Interpreter, 1st korean Antarctic Expedition Team: Korean Government, King George Island,

                Antarctica (1985. 11.~1985. 12.)

                (´Ô±Ø, Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ Á¦1Â÷ Çѱ¹³²±ØŽ»ç´ëŽ»çÀÚ/Å뿪ÀÚ) (1985. 11.~1985. 12.)

0 Korean Government Overseas Invited Senior Scientist: Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute

                (KORDI, now, KIOST)/Korea Advanced  Institute of Science & Technology(KAIST), Ministry of

                 Science & Technology, Korea (1984. 2.14.-1988. 2. 28.)

             (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø(KAIST)/Çѱ¹Çؾ翬±¸¼Ò (Çö, Çѱ¹Çؾç°úÇбâ¼ú¿ø), ¼±ÀÓ¿¬±¸¿ø

                 (Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ ÇØ¿ÜÀ¯Ä¡°úÇÐÀÚ) (1984. 2.14.-1988. 2. 28.)


[2] International / Domestic Committee & Council Member (±¹Á¦/±¹³»À§¿øȸ):


0 President: ¡°2022 27th Pacific Congress on Marine Science & Technology (IPACON-20222)", Gangneung, 

              Korea, September 06~07, 2022

                (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª, 2022³â 27Â÷ ÅÂÆò¾ç°úÇбâ¼úÃÑȸ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2022³â 09¿ù 6~7ÀÏ)

0 President: ¡°2022 12th International Conference on Environmental Engineering & Applications

                 (ICEEA 2022)", Xian, China, June 24~26, 2022

                   (Áß±¹, ½Ã¾È, 2022³â 12Â÷ ȯ°æ°øÇÐ ¹× ÀÀ¿ë ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2022³â 06¿ù 24~26ÀÏ)

0  President: ¡°Pacific Congress on Marine Science & Technology (PACON)", Hawaiii,  USA, October 15,

                       2021 ~ Present

                    (¹Ì±¹, ÇÏ¿ÍÀÌ, ÅÂÆò¾çÇؾç°úÇÐ ¹× ±â¼úÃÑȸ, È¸Àå, 2021³â 10¿ù 15ÀÏ~ÇöÀç)

0 Conference Chair: ¡°2021 Asia Environment & Resource Engineering (AERE 2021)", Singapore, October

                 14~16, 2021

                   (½Ì°¡Æ÷¸£, 2021³â ¾Æ½Ã¾Æ ȯ°æÀÚ¿ø°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2021³â 10¿ù 14~16ÀÏ) 

0 International Programme Committee Member, "11th International Conference-School of Young Scientists

                      "Wave & Vortices in Complex Media", Mosco, Russia, December 01~03, 2020

                    (·¯½Ã¾Æ, ¸ð½ºÅ©¹Ù, 11Â÷ º¹ÇÕ¸Åü¿¡¼­ ÆÄ¿Í ¿Íµ¿"-ÀþÀº °úÇÐÀÚ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ,

             ±¹Á¦ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À§¿ø, 2019³â 12¿ù 01~03ÀÏ)

0 International Programme Committee Member, "20th International Conference on Fluxes & Structure in

                      Fluids", Murmansk, Russia, October 26~28, 2020

                    (·¯½Ã¾Æ, ¹«¸£¸¸½ºÅ©, 20Â÷ À¯Ã¼ÀÇ Çöô½º¿Í ±¸Á¶±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À§¿ø,

                      2020³â 10¿ù 26ÀÏ~28ÀÏ)

0 Conference Chair: ¡°2020 10th International Conference on Biology, Environment & Chemistry

                (ICBEC 2020)", Lisbon, Portugal, October 22~24, 2020

                   (Æ÷¸£Åõ°¥, ¸®½ºº», 2020³â 10Â÷ »ý¹°, ȯ°æ, È­ÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2020³â

                      10¿ù 22~24ÀÏ)

0 Conference Chair: ¡°2020 7th International Conference on Coastal & Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2019)",

                Singapore, April 22~24, 2020

                   (½Ì°¡Æú, ¹æÄÛ, 6Â÷ ¿¬¾È ¹× Çؾç°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2019³â 4¿ù 25~28ÀÏ)

0 International Programme Committee Member, "10th International Conference-School of Young Scientists

                     "Wave & Vortices in Complex Media", Mosco, Russia, December 03~05, 2019

                   (·¯½Ã¾Æ, ¸ð½ºÅ©¹Ù, 10Â÷ º¹ÇÕ¸Åü¿¡¼­ ÆÄ¿Í ¿Íµ¿"-ÀþÀº °úÇÐÀÚ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ,

              ±¹Á¦ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À§¿ø, 2019³â 12¿ù 03~05ÀÏ)

0 Organizing Committee Member: ¡°6th Edition Euroscicon Conference on Environmetal Science &

                Engineering¡±, Osaka, Japan, October 07~09ÀÏ)

                   (ÀϺ», ¿À»çÄ«, 6Â÷ ȯ°æ°úÇÐ ¹× °øÇÐ À¯·´±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, Á¶Á÷À§¿ø, 2019³â 10¿ù 07~09ÀÏ)

0 Conference Chair: ¡°2019 9th International Conference on Biology, Environment & Chemistry (ICBEC 2019)",

                Bangkok,Tailand, September 25~27, 2019

                   (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, 2019³â 9Â÷ »ý¹°, ȯ°æ, È­ÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2019³â 9¿ù 25~27ÀÏ)

0 Organizing Committee Member: ¡°18th World Clean Air Congress¡±, Istanbul, Turkey, September 23~27,


                   (ÅÍÅ°, À̽ºÅººí, 18Â÷ ¼¼°èûÁ¤°ø±âÃÑȸ, Á¶Á÷À§¿ø, 2019³â 9¿ù 23~27ÀÏ)

0 Conference Chair: ¡°2019 5th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2019)",

                Singapore, August 13~15, 2019

                   (½Ì°¡Æú, 2019 5Â÷ ȯ°æ¿¬±¸¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2019³â 8¿ù 13~15)

0 Scientific Steering Committee Member: ¡°26th Pacific Congress on Marine Science & Technolgy(PACON)",

                Vladivostok, Russia, July 16~19, 2019

                   (·¯½Ã¾Æ, ºí¶óµðº¸½ºÅå, 26Â÷ ÅÂÆò¾ç°úÇбâ¼úÃÑȸ, °úÇÐÁ¶Á¤À§¿ø, 2019³â 7¿ù 16~19ÀÏ)

0 Conference Chair: ¡°6th International Conference on Coastal & Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2019)", Bangkok,

                Tailand , April 25~28, 2019

                   (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, 6Â÷ ¿¬¾È ¹× Çؾç°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °³ÃÖÀÇÀå, 2019³â 4¿ù 25~28ÀÏ)

0 Progam Chair: ¡°9th International Conference on Environment & Industrial Innovation (ICEII 2019)", Bangkok,

                Tailand , April 25~28, 2019

                   (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, 9Â÷ ȯ°æ ¹× »ê¾÷Çõ½Å ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ÀÇÀå, 2019³â 4¿ù 25~28ÀÏ)

0 Organizing Committee Member: ¡°5th Edition Euroscicon Conference on Environmetal Science & Engineering¡±,

                Budapest, Hungary, October 29~30ÀÏ) (2018~2018)

                   (Ç×°¡¸®, ºÎ´ÙÆ佺Ʈ, 5Â÷ ȯ°æ°úÇÐ ¹× °øÇÐ À¯·´±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, Á¶Á÷À§¿ø, 2018³â 10¿ù 29~30ÀÏ)

0 International Programme Committee Member, "19th International Conference on Fluxes & Structure in Fluids",

                      Vladivostok, Russia, August 8~10, 2018  (2018~2018)

                   (·¯½Ã¾Æ, ºí¶óµðº¸½ºÅå, 19Â÷ À¯Ã¼ÀÇ Çöô½º¿Í ±¸Á¶±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À§¿ø, 2018³â

                       8¿ù 8ÀÏ~10ÀÏ)

0 International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member, "11th International Conference on Air Quality - Science &

                      Application", Barocelona, Spain, March 12-16, 2018  

                   (½ºÆäÀÎ, ¹Ù·Î¼¿·Î³ª, 11Â÷ ´ë±âÁú-°úÇÐ ¹× ÀÀ¿ë ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦°úÇÐÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2017³â

                       3¿ù 12ÀÏ~16ÀÏ)

0 International Conference Chair & Technical Committee Member, "2017-3rd International Conference on Advances

                      in Environment Research (ICAER 2017)", Beijing, China, May 23~25, 2017 (2016 ~2017)

                (Áß±¹, ºÏ°æ, 2017³â 3Â÷ȯ°æ¿¬±¸¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦È¸ÀÇ ÀÇÀå ¹× ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, 2017³â,

                      5¿ù 23ÀÏ~25ÀÏ

0 International Conference Chair & Technical Committee Member, "2017-4th International Conference on Coastal

                      & Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2017)" Osaka, Japan, March 28~30, 2017 (2016 ~2017)

               (ÀϺ», ¿À»çÄ«, 2017³â 4Â÷¿¬¾È ¹× Çؾç°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦È¸ÀÇ ÀÇÀå ¹× ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, 2017³â,

                      3¿ù 28ÀÏ~30ÀÏ

0 International Conference Chair & Technical Committee Member, "2016 2nd International Conference on Adances

                      in Environment Research", Shanghai, China, July 7~9, 2016 (2015~2016)

                    (Áß±¹, ¼§ÇÏÀÌ, 2016³â 2Â÷ ȯ°æ¿¬±¸¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦È¸ÀÇ ÀÇÀå ¹× ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, 2016³â

                      7¿ù 7ÀÏ~9ÀÏ)

0 Scientific & Advisory Board Member, "BIT's 6th Low Carbon & Green Growth Earth Summit", Seoul, Korea, June

                     30ÀÏ~July 3, 2016 (2015~ÇöÀç)

                    (Çѱ¹, ¼­¿ï, BIT 6Â÷ Àúź¼Ò ¹× ³ì»ö¼ºÀå Áö±¸Á¤»óȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦È¸ÀÇ °úÇÐÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2016³â

                      6¿ù 30ÀÏ~7¿ù 3ÀÏ)

0 International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member, "10th International Conference on Air Quality - Science &

                      Application", Milan, Italy, March 14-18, 2016  (2015~ÇöÀç)

                    (ÀÌŸ®, ¹Ð¶õ, 10Â÷ ´ë±âÁú °úÇÐ ¹× ÀÀ¿ë ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦°úÇÐÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2016³â 3¿ù 14ÀÏ~18ÀÏ)

0 Scientific Committee Member: ¡°Joint EOGC-GIS4NDM 2015 International Conference", Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates,

                      December 8-10, 2015

                    (¾Æ¶ø¿¡¹Ì·¹ÀÌÆ®, ¾Ë-¾ÆÀÎ, EOGS-GISNDM ¿¬ÇÕ 2015³â ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °úÇÐÀ§¿ø, 2015³â 12¿ù 8ÀÏ~


0 Technical Program Chair: ¡°ICESB 2015 International Conference on Environment Science & Biotechnology¡±, Jinju,

                     Korea, November 9~11, 2015

                    (Çѱ¹, ÁøÁÖ, ICESB 2015³â ȯ°æ°úÇÐ ¹× »ý¸í±â¼ú ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±â¼úÇÁ·Î±×·¥À§¿ø, 2015³â 11¿ù 9ÀÏ


0 Advisory Board Member: ¡°BIT-5th WCMB 2015 Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology¡±, Qingdao, China,  

                    November 6~8, 2015

                   (Áß±¹, Īµû¿À, BIT 5Â÷ WCMB Çؾç»ý±â¼ú ³âÂ÷¼¼°èÃÑȸ, ÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2015³â 11¿ù 6~8ÀÏ)

0 IOC of UNESCOWESTPAC Working Group Member of Tropical Cyclones: ¡°The IOC (Intergovernmental

                   Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO) Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) –

                   Data Buoy  Cooperation Panel, Tropical Cyclones, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)

                   of United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)¡±, United Nation.

              January 13, 2015 ~ÇöÀç

                  (À¯¿£, UNESCO (À¯¿£±³À°°úÇй®È­Á¶Á÷)-IOC (Á¤ºÎ°£ÇؾçÀ§¿øȸ)-WESTPAC (¼­ÅÂÆò¾çÀ§¿øȸ)

           -¿­´ëÀú±â¾Ð µ¥ÀÌÅͺÎÀÇ Çù·ÂÆгΠ½ÇÇàÀ§¿ø, 1¿ù 13~ÇöÀç)

0 Advisory Board Member:  ¡°BIT-4th WCMB 2014 Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology¡±, Dalian, China,  

                   October 16~18, 2014

                 (Áß±¹, ´ë·Ã, BIT-4Â÷ WCMB 2014³â ȯ°æ°úÇÐ ¹× »ý¸í±â¼ú ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2014³â 10¿ù 16ÀÏ


0 Organizing Committee Member: ¡°International Conference on Environmental Disaster Management & Prediction¡±,

              Gangneung, Korea, August 18~20, 2014

                 (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª, ȯ°æÀçÇØ°ü¸® ¹× ¿¹Ãø ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, Á¶Á÷À§¿ø, 2014³â 8¿ù 16~20ÀÏ)

0 Organizi ng Committee Member: ¡°3rd International Conference on Earth Scienc & Climate Change¡±, San Francisco,

              USA, July 28~30, 2014

                  (¹Ì±¹, »÷ÇÁ¶õ½Ã½ºÄÚ, 3Â÷ Áö±¸°úÇÐ ¹× ±âÈĺ¯È­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, Á¶Á÷À§¿ø, 2014³â 7¿ù 28~30ÀÏ)

0 International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member: ¡°9th International Conference on Air Quality-Science &

              Application¡±, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, March 24~28, 2014,

                 (µ¶ÀÏ, °¥¹Í½¬-ÆÄÅÙÅ°¸£Ã¾, 9Â÷ ´ë±âÁú-°úÇÐ ¹× ÀÀ¿ë ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦°úÇÐÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2014³â 3¿ù 24ÀÏ


0 Technical Committee Member: ¡°CCIT 2014 International Conference on Computer, Communications & Information

             Technology¡±, Beijing, China, January 16~17, 2014

                 (Áß±¹, º£ÀÌÂô, CCIT 2014³â ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ, Åë½Å Á¤º¸±â¼ú ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, 2014³â 1¿ù 16ÀÏ~17ÀÏ)

0 Scientific Committee Member :  "5th International Conference on Geo-Information Technology for Natural Disaster  

                  Management", Mississauga, Canada, October 9~11, 2013

                 (ij³ª´Ù, ¹Ì½Ã»ç°ú, 5Â÷ ÀÚ¿¬ÀçÇØ°ü¸® Áö¸®Á¤º¸±â¼ú ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, °úÇÐÀ§¿ø, 2013³â 10¿ù 9ÀÏ~11ÀÏ)

0 International Advisory Committee Member: 5th International Conference on Health GIS 2013, Bangkok, Thailand,  

              August 21~23, 2013)

                 (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, 5Â÷ °Ç°­GIS(Áö¸®Á¤º¸) ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦ÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2013³â 8¿ù 21ÀÏ~23ÀÏ)

0 Scientific Committee Member: "4th International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes(EOGC'2013)

                  and  2013 Annual Conference of Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG)", Toronto, Canada, June 5-7, 2013,

                 (ij³ª´Ù, Åä·ÐÅä, 4Â÷ Áö±¸º¯È­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Áö±¸°üÃø ¹× 2013³â ij³ª´Ù ÁöÇüÁ¤º¸ ³âÂ÷ȸÀÇ, °úÇÐÀ§¿ø,

                 2013³â 6¿ù 5~7ÀÏ)

0 Technical Committee Member: ¡°ICCNCE 2013 International Conference on Computer, Networks & Communication

                 Engineering, Beijing, China, May 23~24, 2013)

                (Áß±¹, º£ÀÌÂô, ICCNE 2013³â ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ, ³×Æ®¿ö ¹× Åë½Å°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, 2013³â 5¿ù 23ÀÏ


0 Scientific Advisory Committee Member: ¡°4th International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional

                 and Global Scales and IUAPPA Regional Conference¡±, Istanbul, Turkey, September 10-13, 2012)

                (ÅÍÅ°, À̽ºÅººí, 4Â÷ µµ½Ã, Áö¿ª, Áö±¸±Ô¸ð ´ë±âÁú°ü¸® ±¹Á¦½ÉÆ÷Áö¿ò, °úÇÐÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2012³â 9¿ù 10ÀÏ


0 International Advisory Committee Member: ¡°6th International Symposium on Advances in Science & Technology¡±,  

            Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 24-25, 2012 )

                (¸»·¹À̽þÆ, Äí¾Ë¶ó·ëǪ¸£, 6Â÷ °úÇбâ¼ú¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦½ÉÆ÷Áö¿ò, ±¹Á¦ÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2012³â 9¿ù 24ÀÏ~25ÀÏ)

0 International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member: ¡°8th International Conference on Air Quality-Science &

            Application¡±, Athen, Greece, March 19-23, 2012

                (±×¸®½º, ¾ÆÅ׳×, 8Â÷ ´ë±âÁú °úÇÐ ¹× ÀÀ¿ë ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦°úÇÐÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2012³â 3¿ù 19ÀÏ~23ÀÏ)

0 International  Advisory Committee Member: ¡°5th International Symposium on Advances in Science &

            Technology¡±, Mashhad, Iran, May 12-17, 2011

                (À̶õ, ¸¶½ÃÇϵå, 5Â÷ °úÇбâ¼ú¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦½ÉÆ÷Áö¿ò, ±¹Á¦ÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2012³â 5¿ù 12ÀÏ~17ÀÏ)

0 Scientific Committee Member: ¡°1st International Conference on Managing Ecosystem Health of Tropical Seas:

             Environmental Management of Coastal Ecosystems, Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 19-21, 2010

                (¸»·¹À̽þÆ, ÇÁÆ®¶ó¶ó¾ß, 1Â÷ ¿­´ëÇؾç, ¿¬¾È»ýÅ°è ȯ°æ°ü¸®ÀÇ »ýÅ°è°Ç°­°ü¸® ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ,

          °úÇÐÀ§¿ø, 2010³â 10¿ù 19~21ÀÏ)

0 Chair of Organizing Committee Member: ¡°5th Program of East Asian Cooperative Experiment(PEACE)¡±,

             Gangneung, Korea, September 11-12, 2010

                (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª, 5Â÷ µ¿¾Æ½Ã¾ÆÇù·Â½ÇÇèÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, Á¶Á÷À§¿øȸ ÀÇÀå, 2010³â 9¿ù 11ÀÏ~12ÀÏ)

0 Council Member: Korean Environmental Sciences Association: Korea (2004-2005)

                (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹È¯°æ°úÇÐÇùȸ, À§¿ø (2004³â~2005³â)

0 International  Scientific & Advisory Committee Member: ¡°7th International Conference on Air Quality Science &

             Application¡± Istanbul, Turkey, March 24-27, 2009

                (ÅÍÅ°, À̽ºÅººí, 7Â÷ ´ë±âÁú °úÇбâ¼ú ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦°úÇÐÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 2009³â 3¿ù 24ÀÏ~27ÀÏ)

0 Scientific Working Group Member: ¡°Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC)¡±: Measurement

             process,  (2008-2010)

                (ÀϺ», ÅÂÆò¾çÇؾç¿ø°ÝŽ»çȸÀÇ, °úÇнÇÇ౸·ì¸â¹ö, 2008³â~2010³â)

0 Council  Member: Environmental Affinity Industry Inspection: Wonju Regional Environmental Management

                  Administration, Ministry of Environment, Korea (2004-2007)

                (Çѱ¹, ȯ°æºÎ ¿øÁÖÁö¹æȯ°æ°ü¸®Ã», ȯ°æģȭ±â¾÷½É»çÀ§¿ø, 2005³â 4¿ù~2007³â 4¿ù)

0 Final Evaluation Deliberation Council Member on Next Generation Project: Korea Institute of Environmental Science

                 & Technology (KIEST), Korea (2004-2004)

                (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹È¯°æ±â¼úÁøÈï¿ø, Â÷¼¼´ë»ç¾÷ ÃÖÁ¾Æò°¡½ÉÀÇÀ§¿ø, 2004³â 10¿ù~2004³â 10¿ù)

0 Council Member: Agriculture, Fisheries & Ocean Section: Korean Research Foundation, Korea


                (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹ÇмúÁøÈïÀç´Ü, ³ó¼öÇؾçºÐ°úÀ§¿ø, 2003³â 11¿ù~2004³â 12¿ù)

0 Environmental Science & Technologiy Council Member: Korean Federation of Science &Technology Society,

          Korea (2002-2003)

                (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú´ÜüÃÑ¿¬ÇÕȸ, ȯ°æ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, 2002³â 5¿ù~2005³â 5¿ù)

0 Program Committee Member: International Conference & Young Scientists on Computational Information  

            Technologies for Environmental Sciences, Tomsk, Russia, August, 2003  

                (·¯½Ã¾Æ, ȯ°æ°úÇаè»êÁ¤º¸±â¼ú±¹Á¦È¸ÀÇ, ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À§¿ø, 2003³â 8¿ù )

0 Director: Korean Meteorological Society, Korea (2000-2001)

                (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹±â»óÇÐȸ, ÀÌ»ç, 2000³â~2001³â)

0 International  Scientific Committee Member: ¡°International Marine Science Conference¡±, Kuala Terengganu,  

          Malaysia, August, 25-27, 1997

               (¸»·¹À̽þÆ, Äí¾Ë¶ó Æ®·»°¡´©, Çؾç°úÇб¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ±¹Á¦°úÇÐÀ§¿ø, 1997³â 8¿ù 25ÀÏ~27ÀÏ

0 Education Courses Deliberation Council Member: Ministry of Education, Korea (1994-1999)

               (Çѱ¹, ±³À°ºÎ, ±³À°°úÁ¤½ÉÀÇÀ§¿ø, 1994³â 6¿ù~1999³â 5¿ù)

0 Ocean Reservation Consulting Council Member: Ministry of Environment, Korea (1992-1994)

               (Çѱ¹, ȯ°æºÎ, Çؾ纸ÀüÀÚ¹®À§¿ø, 1992³â 3¿ù~1994³â 2¿ù)

0 Representative: Korea Environmental Science & Research Association, Korea (1991-1993)

               (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹È¯°æ°úÇבּ¸ÇùÀÇȸ, ´ëÀÇ¿ø, 1991³â 5¿ù~1993³â 5¿ù)

0 Ocean Reservation Council Member: Marine Police Administration, Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Korea


                (Çѱ¹, ³»¹«ºÎ µ¿ÇØÇؾç°æÂû´ë, Çؾ纸ÀüÀ§¿ø, 1992³â 3¿ù~1994³â 2¿ù)

0 Scientific Committee Member: "International Symposium on Metropolitan Development & Environment",

            Shanghai, China, October  22-23, 1994

                (Áß±¹, ¼§ÇÏÀÌ, ´ëµµ½Ã°³¹ß-ȯ°æ ±¹Á¦½ÉÆ÷Áö¿ò, ±¹Á¦À§¿ø, 1994³â, 10¿ù 22ÀÏ~23ÀÏ)

0 Session Chair & Convenor of international conferences: more than 100 times (USAUKGermany

          Belgium, TurkeyIndiaSingaporeMalaysiaThailandChinaTaiwanKorea, etc.)

                (¹Ì±¹, ¿µ±¹, µ¶ÀÏ, º§±â¿¡, ·¯½Ã¾Æ, ij³ª´Ù, ÅÍÅ°, Àεµ, ½Ì°¡Æú, ¸»·¹À̽þÆ, Àεµ³×½Ã¾Æ,

           Å±¹Áß±¹, ´ë¸¸ÀϺ»Çѱ¹ µî, ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ ÁÂÀå,100ȸ ÀÌ»ó)


[3] Plenary Lecturer, Keynote Speaker, Invited Speaker, English Debater:

       (±âÁ¶¿¬¼³ÀÚ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, Ãʺù¹ßÇ¥ÀÚ, ¿µ¾îÅä·ÐÀÚ)


0 Keynote Speaker: ¡°2022 27th Pacific Congress of Marine Science and Technology (PACON-2022)", 

             Gasngneung, Korea, September 06~07, 2022

                (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª, 27Â÷ ÅÂÆò¾çÇؾç°úÇбâ¼úÃÑȸ (PACON-20222), ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2022³â 9¿ù 06~07ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: ¡°Health GIS 2021", Bangkok,Tailand, September 25~27, 2019

                (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, °Ç°­ Áö¸®Á¤º¸ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2021³â 2¿ù 25~26ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: ¡°20120 10th International Conference on Biology, Environment & Chemistry

             (ICBEC 2020)", Lisbon, Portugal, October 22~24, 2020

                (Æ÷¸£Åõ°¥, ¸®½ºº», 2020³â 10Â÷ »ý¹°, ȯ°æ, È­ÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2020³â

                 10¿ù 22~24ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: ¡°2019 9th International Conference on Biology, Environment & Chemistry (ICBEC 2019)",

             Bangkok,Tailand, September 25~27, 2019

                (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, 2019³â 9Â÷ »ý¹°, ȯ°æ, È­ÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2019³â 9¿ù 25~27ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: ¡°6th International Conference on Coastal & Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2019)",

              Bangkok,Tailand , April 25~28, 2019

                (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, 6Â÷ ¿¬¾È ¹× Çؾç°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2019³â 4¿ù 25~28ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker:: ¡°5th Edition Euroscicon Conference on Environmetal Science & Engineering¡±, Budapest,

             Hungary,October 29~30, 2018) (2018~ÇöÀç)                

            (Ç×°¡¸®, ºÎ´ÙÆ佺Ʈ, 2018³â 5Â÷ ȯ°æ°úÇаú °øÇÐ À¯·´±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2018³â,

                 10¿ù 29ÀÏ~30ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker:  2018-4th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2018)", 

                 Hong Kong, China, May 28~30, 2017 (2016 ~2017)

            (È«Äá, 2018³â 4Â÷ȯ°æ¿¬±¸¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2018³â, 5¿ù 28ÀÏ~30ÀÏ)                   

0 Keynote Speaker:  2017-3rd International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2017)", 

                 Beijing,  China, May 23~25, 2017 (2016 ~2017)

            (Áß±¹, ºÏ°æ, 2017³â 3Â÷ȯ°æ¿¬±¸¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2017³â, 5¿ù 23ÀÏ~25ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: 2017-4th International Conference on Coastal & Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2017)" Osaka,

                 Japan, March 28~30, 2017 (2016 ~2017)

            (ÀϺ», ¿À»çÄ«, 2017³â 4Â÷¿¬¾È ¹× Çؾç°øÇÐ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2017³â, 3¿ù 28ÀÏ~30ÀÏ

Keynote Speaker: 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Environmental ResearchShanghai,

                 China, July 7~9, 2016 (2015~2016)

                (Áß±¹, ¼§ÇÏÀÌ, 2016³â 2Â÷ȯ°æ¿¬±¸¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2016³â, 7¿ù 7ÀÏ~9ÀÏ

0 English Debater(¾û¾îÅä·ÐÀÚ): Arirang TV English Discussion -- "Strategies for the New Climate Regime

                 (UPFRONT 88)" on COP21 Paris Agreement (Nov. 30~Dec. 12, 2015, Paris, France) to UNFCCC 

                 (United Nation Framework  Convention on Climate Change), Seoul, Korea, December 10~13, 2015, 

             (Çѱ¹, ¼­¿ï, À¯¿£±âÈĺ¯È­Çù¾à´ç»ç±¹ÃÑȸ-COP21Æĸ®ÀÇÁ¤¼­ (2015³â 11¿ù 30~12¿ù 12ÀÏ.

           ÇÁ¶û½º, Æĸ®, Âü°¡±¹-195°³±¹)¿¡ ´ëÇÑ "»õ±âÈÄü°è¸¦ À§ÇÑ Àü·«" (¾Æ¸®¶ûTV-24½Ã°£ ¿µ¾î¹æ¼Û:

           UPFRONT 88), ¿µ¾îÅä·ÐÀÚ, 2015³â,12¿ù 10ÀÏ~14ÀÏ (¹æ¼Û))

0 Keynote Speaker: 6th International Conference on Health GIS 2015, Mysore, India, November 19~21, 2015

                 (Àεµ, ¸¶À̼Ҹ£, 6Â÷ °Ç°­GIS(Áö¸®Á¤º¸) ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2015³â, 11¿ù 19ÀÏ~21ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: ICESB 2015 International Conference on Environment Science & Biotechnology, Jinju, Korea,

                  November 9~11, 2015

                (Çѱ¹, ¸¶À̼Ҹ£, 6Â÷ °Ç°­GIS(Áö¸®Á¤º¸) ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2015³â, 11¿ù 19ÀÏ~21ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: BIT's 5th Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology, Qingdao, China, November 6~8, 2015

                (Áß±¹, Īµû¿À, BIT 5Â÷Çؾç»ý±â¼ú³âÂ÷¼¼°èÃÑȸ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2015³â, 11¿ù 6ÀÏ~8ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: 5th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Indian Ocean-South China Sea & Typhoon 

                 Sciences, Gangzhou, China, August 24~25, 2015

                (Áß±¹, ±¤Á¶¿ì, 5Â÷Àεµ¾ç-³²Áß±¹ÇØ ¿ø°ÝŽ»ç ¹× ÅÂdz°úÇÐ ±¹Á¦½ÉÆ÷Áö¿ò, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2015³â,

                 8¿ù 24ÀÏ~25ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: ¡°International Conference on Environmental Disaster Management & Prediction¡±, Gangneung,

                 Korea, August 18~20, 2014

                (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª, ȯ°æÀçÇØ°ü¸® ¹× ¿¹Ãø ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2014³â, 8¿ù 18ÀÏ~20ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: BIT's 4th Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology, Dalian, China, October 16~18, 2014

                (Áß±¹, ´ëÀÌ·±, BIT 4Â÷Çؾç»ý±â¼ú³âÂ÷¼¼°èÃÑȸ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2014³â, 10¿ù 16ÀÏ~18ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology, Hangzhou, China, September 23~25,            


                (Áß±¹, Ç×Á¶¿ì, BIT 3Â÷Çؾç»ý±â¼ú³âÂ÷¼¼°èÃÑȸ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2013³â, 9¿ù 23~25ÀÏ)

0 Invited Speaker: Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoshan, China, September 25, 2013

               (Áß±¹, Á¶¼¢, ¼ÀåÇؾç´ëÇÐ, ÃÊû¹ßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2013³â, 9¿ù 25ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker5th International Conference on Health GIS 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, August 21~23, 2013

                (ű¹, ¹æÄÛ, 5Â÷°Ç°­GIS(Áö¸®Á¤º¸) ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2013³â, 8¿ù 21ÀÏ~23ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: 4th International Conference on Geo-Information Technology for Natural Disaster Managemen

                (GIT4NDM2012)¡±, Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 7-8, 2012

                (½º¸®¶ûÄ«, ÄÝ·³ºñ¾ÆĪ, 4Â÷ ÀÚ¿¬ÀçÇØ°ü¸®¸¦ À§ÇÑ Áö¸®Á¤º¸±â¼ú ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2012³â,

                11¿ù 7ÀÏ~8ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: 6th International Symposium on Advances in Science & Technology (6th SASTech)¡±,  KualaLumpur,

                 Malaysia, May 24-25, 2012

                 (¸»·¹À̽þÆ, Äí¾Ë¶ó ·ëǪ¸£, 6Â÷ °úÇбâ¼ú¼±ÁøÈ­ ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2012³â, 5¿ù 24ÀÏ~25ÀÏ)

0 Plenary Lecturer: 1st International Conference of Disaster Prevention Technology and Management 2010

                 (DPTM 2010)¡±, Chongqing, China, October 23-25, 2010

                 (Áß±¹, ÃæĪ, 1Â÷ ÀçÇعæÁö±â¼ú ¹× °ü¸® ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ 2010, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2010³â, 10¿ù 23ÀÏ~25ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker: 3rd International Conference on Geoinformation Technology for Natural Disaster Management

                 & Rehabilitation, Chiangmai, Thailand, October 19-20, 2010

                (ű¹, Ä¡¾Ó¸¶ÀÌ, 3Â÷ ÀÚ¿¬ÀçÇØ°ü¸® ¹× º¹¿ø ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2010³â, 10¿ù 19ÀÏ~20ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker3rd International Conference on Health GIS (Health GIS 2009)¡±, Hyderabad, India, July 24-26, 2009

                (Àεµ, ÇÏÀ̵å¶ó¹Ùµå, 3Â÷ °Ç°­GIS(Áö¸®Á¤º¸) ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 2009³â, 7¿ù 24ÀÏ~26ÀÏ)

0 Keynote Speaker:  International Marine Science Conference, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, August 25-27, 1997

                (¸»·¹À̽þÆ, Äí¾Ë¶ó Æ®¶õ°¡´©, Çؾç°úÇб¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ, ÇٽɹßÇ¥ÀÚ, 1997³â, 8¿ù 25ÀÏ~27ÀÏ)



      (¹Ì±¹, ¿µ±¹, ÀÌŸ®, ½ºÀ§½º, ij³ª´Ù, Àεµ, ³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ, È«Äá, Çѱ¹)


(ÃÑ 46 ±¹Á¦Àú³Î--15°³ (Editor-in-Chief (ÆíÁýÀå)), 36°³ (Editor (ÆíÁýÀÚ)).  ÇöÀç -- 9°³ (Editor-in-Chief), 26°³ (Editor)


[1] Editor-in-Chief (ÆíÁýÀå) (12°³ Àú³Î-¹Ì±¹, Àεµ, ½Ì°¡Æú, Çѱ¹):

0  ¡°Disaster Advances (SCIE, SCOPUS)¡±, Environmental Disaster Research Institute, (Àεµ) (2019-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture¡±, Medwind Publishers (¹Ì±¹) (2019-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°Journal of Agriculture & Forest Metetrology Research¡±, SciTech Central Inc. (¹Ì±¹) (2018-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°Journal of Earth Sciences¡±, Betty Jones & Sisters Publishing (¹Ì±¹) (2015-2016)

0 ¡°International Journal of Oceans & Oceanography (WoS)¡±, Research India Publication(Àεµ)(2014-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°American Journal of Food Science & Technology¡±, Science & Education Publishing (¹Ì±¹) (2014-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°American Journal of Environmental Protection¡±, Science & Education Publishing (¹Ì±¹) (2014-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°International Journal of Lakes & Rivers (WoS)¡±, Research India Publication (Àεµ) (2014-ÇöÀç)

0 "Trends Journal of Sciences Research", (¹Ì±¹) (2014-2016)

0 "Current Development in Oceanography (Copernicus) ", Pushpa Publishing Co. (Àεµ) (2010-2016)

0  "Far East Journal of Ocean Research (Copernicus) ", Pushpa Publishing Co. (Àεµ) (2007-2009)

0  ¡°Advances in Geosciences (SCOPUS), V.5¡±, World Scientific Publishing Co. (½Ì°¡Æú) (2005-2006)

0  ¡°Journal of Korean Environmental Sciences Society (Special Issue-English version; KSCI)¡±, Korean Environmental

                      Sciences Society (Çѱ¹) (2002-2003)  


[2] Associate Editor-in-Chief (ºÎÆíÁýÀå) (3°³ Àú³Î-¹Ì±¹, Àεµ):

0  ¡°Disaster Advances (SCIE, SCOPUS)¡±, Environmental Disaster Research Institute, (Àεµ) (2015-2018)

0  "Current Advances In Environmental Science", American V-King  Publishing LTD. (¹Ì±¹) (2014-ÇöÀç)

0  "International Journal of Environment and Resources", Science & Engineering Publishing Company(¹Ì±¹)(2012-ÇöÀç)


[3] Editor (ÆíÁýÀÚ) (35°³ Àú³Î-¹Ì±¹, ¿µ±¹, ½ºÀ§½º, ÀÌŸ®, Àεµ, ij³ª´Ù, ½Ì°¡Æú, È«Äá, ³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ):

0 "Sci (SCOUPS)", Sci Editorial Office, MDPI Publishing Co. (½ºÀ§½º(2017-ÇöÀç)

0 "Journal of Water Resources & Ocean Science", Science Publishing Group., (¹Ì±¹(2017-ÇöÀç)

0 "International Education Scientific Research Journal", IESRJ, (Àεµ(2017-ÇöÀç)

0 "Climate (WoS; SCOPUS)", Climate Editorial Office, MDPI Publishing Co. (½ºÀ§½º(2017-ÇöÀç)

0 "Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences", Science Publishing Group., (¹Ì±¹(2017-ÇöÀç)

0 "Fluid Mechanics", OMICS International, (¹Ì±¹(2017-ÇöÀç)

0 "Journal of Shipping & Ocean Engineering", David Publishing Co., (¹Ì±¹(2016-ÇöÀç)

0 "International Research Journal of EnvironmentalSciences & Studies", Prudent Journals (³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ)


0 "International Journal of Marine Science & Ocean Technology", SciDoc Publishers (¹Ì±¹) (2015-ÇöÀç)

0 "Journal of Earth Science & Engineering", David Publishing Co., (¹Ì±¹(2015-ÇöÀç)

0 "Journal of Scientific Research & Reports", SCIENCEDOMAIN International (Àεµ(2014-2017)

0 "Open Journal of Ocean & Coastal Sciences", Scientific Online Publishing (¹Ì±¹(2014-ÇöÀç)

0 "Open Journal of Atmospheric & Climate Change", Scientific Online Publishing (¹Ì±¹(2014-ÇöÀç)  

0 "Journal of Environment & Human", Scientific Online Publishing (¹Ì±¹(2014-ÇöÀç)  

0 "Advanced Research in Engineering Sciences", Alp Computer Education Society (¹Ì±¹(2014-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°Advanced Shipping & Ocean Engineering¡±, World Academic Publishing Co. (È«Äá) (2013-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°International Journal of Research in Chemistry & Environment¡±, Self Publishing (Àεµ) (2013-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°American Journal of Environmental Protection¡±, Science & Education Publishing (¹Ì±¹) (2013-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°American Journal of Food Science & Technology¡±, Science & Education Publishing (¹Ì±¹) (2013-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°Frontiers in Water Resources¡±, Edinwilsen Press (¿µ±¹.: England) (2013-2014)

0 ¡°Universal Journal of Geoscience¡±, Horizon Research Publishing Co, (¹Ì±¹) (2013-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°American Journal of Environmental Engineering¡±, Scientific & Academic Publishing (¹Ì±¹) (2012-ÇöÀç)

0  ¡°African Journal of Agricultural Research¡±, Academic Journals (³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ) (2011-2014)

0  ¡°International Journal of the Physical Sciences¡±, Academic Journals (³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ) (2011-ÇöÀç)

0 ¡°Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment (SCIE)¡±, Environmental Disaster Research Institute (Àεµ)


0  ¡°Global Meteorology (Copernicus)¡±, Pagepress Publications (ÀÌŸ®) (2011-2013)

0  ¡°International Journal of Environment & Pollution (SCI)-Special issue", Inderscience Publishers (¿µ±¹, England)


0  ¡°Disaster Advances (SCIE)¡±, Environmental Disaster Research Institute, (Àεµ) (2009-ÇöÀç)

0  ¡°International Journal of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering¡±, Academic Journals (³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ)


0 ¡°International Geoinformatics Research & Development Journal¡±, International Research Center

              (ij³ª´Ù) (2009- 2017);

0  ¡°The Open Atmospheric Science Journal (SCOUPS)-¡±, Bentham Science (¹Ì±¹) (2007-ÇöÀç);

0  "Far East Journal of Ocean Research (Copernicus)", Pushpa Publishing Co. (Àεµ) (2007-2009);

0  ¡°Advances in Geosciences, V. 9(SCOPUS)¡±, World Scientific Publishing Co. (½Ì°¡Æú) (2006-2007);

0  ¡°Geospatial Today" (Àεµ) (2002-2003).

0  "Damage & Fracture Mechanics", Wessex Institute of Technology (¿µ±¹, England) (1999-2001);

0  "Advanced in Fracture Mechanics", Wessex Institute of Technology (¿µ±¹, England) (1996-1998),


[4] Guest Editor (ÃʺùÆíÁýÀÚ)  (4°³ Àú³Î--¿µ±¹, ½ºÀ§½º): (ÀϺÎ)  

0 "Climate (SCOPUS)"-Special Issue: "New perspectives in climate modeling and forecasting",

                  MDPI (½ºÀ§½º) --³í¹®Á¦Ã⸶°¨: 2023³â 7¿ù 15ÀÏ   

0 "Applied Sciences (SCIE: 2.838-2022)"-Special Issue: "Short- and lonmg term air pollution analysis, modeling and

                  prediction", MDPI (½ºÀ§½º) --³í¹®Á¦Ã⸶°¨: 2023³â 10¿ù 20ÀÏ

0 "Applied Sciences (SCIE: 2.679-2021)"-Special Issue: "Characteristics of air pollution, assessment and reduction",

                  MDPI (½ºÀ§½º) (2022)

0 "Applied Sciences (SCIE: 2.679-2021)"-Special Issue: "Environment and health influenced by COVID-19 pandemic ",

                  MDPI (½ºÀ§½º) (2022)    

0 "Climate (SCOPUS)"-Special Issue: "Ocean's role on continental & coastal climate variability and change",

                  Climate Editorial Office (½ºÀ§½º) (2018)            

0 "International Journal of Environment & Pollution (SCI)"-Special Issue: "Air quality management",  

                  InderScience Publisher (¿µ±¹) (2009)

(6) AWARDS (¼ö»ó)


0 Best Presentation Award : conferred by 6th International Congress of Chemistry and Environment,  2nd

                    International Society BioTechnology Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, July 10, 2013   

                       (º§±â¿¡, ÃÖ¿ì¼ö¹ßÇ¥»ó, 2013)

0 Meritorious Plate : Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea, 2012    

                 (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³ °ø·ÎÆÐ, 2012)

0 9th Academic Research Presentation Award on Paper : Korean Society of Environmental Engineers,

                       Korea, 2009  

                 (Çѱ¹´ëÇÑȯ°æ°øÇÐȸÇмú¹ßǥȸ³í¹®»ó, 2009)

0 Meritorious Prize : Kangnung National University, Korea, 2008    

                 (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª´ëÇб³ °ø·Î»ó, 2008)

0 2006 Academic Award : Kangnung National University, Korea, 2007   

                 (Çѱ¹, °­¸ª´ëÇб³ Çмú»ó, 2008)

0 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century: International Biographical Centre, U.K. (England), 2005

                 (¿µ±¹, 21¼¼±â Ź¿ùÁö½ÄÀÎ2000, 2005)

0 Meritorious Prize : Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea, 2004    

                 (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹È¯°æ°úÇÐȸ °ø·Î»ó, 2004)

0 Meritorious Prize : Korean Meteorological Administration, Korean Government (1999)

                 (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ, ±â»óû¼ö¿©, °ø·Î»ó, 1999)

0 9th Scientific & Technological Prize on Excellent Paper : Koren Federation of Science & Technology

                 Societies, Korea, 1999    

                 (Çѱ¹Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú´ÜüÃÑ¿¬ÇÕȸÁ¦9ȸ°úÇбâ¼ú¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó, 1999)

0 National Order-Magnolia : Korean Government, Korea, 1986      

                      (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹Á¤ºÎ ¼ö¿©, ±¹¹ÎÈÆÀå ¸ñ·ÃÀå, 1986)

0 Meritorious Prize-Chungmu Gold Prize : Sea Explorers of Korea, Korea, 1986  

                      (Çѱ¹, Çѱ¹Çؾç¼Ò³â´Ü¿¬¸Í °ø·Î»ó-Ã湫±ÝÀå, 1986)


(7) RESEARCH PROJECTS (¿¬±¸ÇÁ·ÎÁ§Æ®) (Since 2000)


As PI (¿¬±¸Ã¥ÀÓÀÚ)

0 2016-2017: Future studies on the storm surge in the northern South China Sea(ºÏºÎ ³²Áß±¹ÇØ¿¡¼­

                      ÆødzÇØÀÏÀÇ ÇâÈÄ ¿¬±¸)

                        --(South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇпø,

                     ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò, 2016³â °í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü°¡ (ÍÔÓ®èâÏÐîöÊ«) - Áß±¹ ±¤µ¿¼ºÁ¤ºÎ Áö¿ø-Áß±¹)

0 2015-2015: Wind storm research in the northern region of the South Sea(³²ÇغϺÎÆødzÁ¶¿¬±¸)

                        --(South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; (Áß±¹, Áß±¹°úÇпø,

                     ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò, 2015³â °í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü°¡ (ÍÔÓ®èâÏÐîöÊ«) - Áß±¹ ±¤µ¿¼ºÁ¤ºÎ Áö¿ø-Áß±¹)

0 2014-2015: Safety management and prediction on the relationship of long and short term sea temperature

                     variations and coastal climate variations in the Donghae coastal sea--(Kangwon Provincial

                           C-Grant, Çѱ¹)

0 2008-2012: Generation mechanism and prediction of windstorm in the mountainous coast--(Korea

                           Meteorological Administration; KMA, Çѱ¹)

0 2009-2010: Effects of local atmospheric and oceanic circulations and sea surface temperature on the

                     coastal fog formation -- (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation; KOSEF, Çѱ¹)

0 2007-2008: Comparison of temporal high concentrations of particulate matter (PM) to the concentrations

                     of gases (CO, NOx) during dust-storm period – (Korea Research Foundation; KRF, Çѱ¹)

0 2006-2007: Relation between PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations and atmospheric boundary layer

                     in the mountain and coast before and after Yellow Sand event–-(Korea Research Foundation;

                          KRF, Çѱ¹)

0 2006-2007: Generation mechanism and prediction of windstorm in the mountainous coast--(Korea

                          Meteorological Administration, KMA, Çѱ¹)

0 2002-2006: Prediction technology on heavy snowfall in Kangwon province--(Korea Meteorological

                          Administration, KMA, Çѱ¹)

0 1999-2002: Analysis of marine meteorological environmenta and prediction technology–-(Korea Meteorological

                          Administration; KMA, Çѱ¹)

0 1999-2000: Relation between rainfall and development of atmospheric boundary layer in the mountainous 

                     coast during Korean flood period--(Korea

                          Meteorological Administratio; KMA, Çѱ¹)

0 1998-2000: Development of Prediction technology on physical oceanic environment and ocean circulation

                    for the optimum selection of artificial fishing farm -- (Korea Science & Engineering Foundation;

                         KOSEF, Çѱ¹)


(8) RESEARCH FIELDS (¿¬±¸ºÐ¾ß)


Applied meteorological modeling, Air pollution analysis & dispersion modeling, and Coastal ocean process as

                 following phenomena:


[1] Severe weather (Meteorology and GIS modeling; ¾Ç±â»ó(±â»ó/Áö¸®Á¤º¸ modeling): Climate

                change, typhoon, flood, gust & wind storm, Heavy rainfall, heavy snowfall, fog, urban heat waves,

                cold waves,

[2] Air pollution modeling (Environmental Science & Engineering; ´ë±â¿À¿°¸ðµ¨¸µ(ȯ°æ°úÇÐ/°øÇÐ): 

                Duststorm transport modeling and monitoring, air quality management on aerosol & gas, pollution impact

                to health and forest

[3] Oceanography, Fisherly & Climate (Oceanography and GIS); Çؾç, ¼ö»ê ¹× ±âÈÄ(Çؾç/Áö¸®Á¤º¸)

                Physical oceanography modeling, ocean wave modeling, ocean current modeling, cold sea outbreak, 

                coastal low, disaster prevention, Ocean environment modeling and analysis for fisheries,

[4] Antarctic Weather & Climate (Climate & Logistics); ³²±Ø±â»ó ¹× ±âÈÄ (±âÈÄ ¹× ¼ö¼Û)Artic & Antarctic

                climate modelings, windstorm, low-level jet, weather forecasting, Antarctic expedition & logistics




0 Speaking: ¿µ¾î, Áß±¹¾î, ÀϾî, Çѱ¹¾î

0 Writing    : ¿µ¾î, µ¶¾î, Áß±¹¾î, ÀϾî, Çѱ¹¾î


(10) TEACHING (±³À°) & RESEARCHES (¿¬±¸)

         (Áß±¹, Àεµ, ½Ì°¡Æú, ű¹, Çѱ¹)


[1] High-end Foreign Expert, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of

            Sciences (CAS), China (Áß±¹; Áß±¹°úÇпø ³²ÇØÇؾ翬±¸¼Ò°í´Ü¿Ü±¹Àü°¡(ÍÔÓ®èâÏÐîöÊ«),

               2015. 03. 01. ~ 10.  

            - (¿¬±¸Á¦¸ñ: "Wind storm research in the northern region of the South China Sea 

            (³²Áß±¹ÇØ ºÏºÎÁö¿ªÀÇ ÆødzÁ¶¿¬±¸)--(Áß±¹, ±¤µ¿¼º Á¤ºÎÁö¿ø) (US$35,000/year)


[2] Adjunct Professor, Zhejiang Ocean UniversityChina (Áß±¹; Àý°­Çؾç´ëÇаâÁ÷±³¼ö(ÌÂòÅÎçâ£),

             2013. 09. 25. ~ ÇöÀç


[3] Examiner of Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Coastal Disaster Management, Pondicherry University, 

            India (Àεµ; Æùµðü¸®´ëÇÐ, ¿¬¾ÈÀçÇØ°ü¸®Çаú, ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§³í¹®½É»çÀÚ), 2016. 01. 09. ~ ÇöÀç


[4] Examiner of Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 

            India (Àεµ; ¾ÆÂ÷¾ß ³ª°¡ÁÖ³ª´ëÇÐ, ȯ°æ°úÇаú, ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§³í¹®½É»çÀÚ); 2014. ~ 2015.


[5] Examiner of Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National

            University of Singapore, Singapore (½Ì°¡Æú±¹¸³½Ì°¡Æú´ëÇÐ, Åä¸ñ.ȯ°æ°øÇаú,

               ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§³í¹®½É»çÀÚ), 2010. ~ 2011.  

            (12th in World Ranking of universities by QS& and 1st in Asia Ranking in 2015)

               (2015³â QS¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¼¼°è´ëÇÐÆò°¡ 12À§; ¾Æ½Ã¾Æ´ëÇÐÆò°¡ 1À§)


[6] Examiner of Ph.D. dissertation, School of Engineering & Technology, Asian Institute of

            Technology (AIT), Thailand (ű¹; SEATO (12°³±¹ÀÇ µ¿³²¾Æ±¹°¡¿¬ÇÕ)°¡ 1959³â¿¡ ¼³¸³;

            ¾Æ½Ã¾Æ±â¼ú¿¬±¸¼Ò, °øÇбâ¼ú´ëÇпø, ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§³í¹®½É»çÀÚ) 2010.~ 2010.

            (Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) (2010). AIT was founded by SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty

               Organization(~1954) in 1959 and is a world wide well-known international institution for higher education in

               engineering, advanced technologies, and management and planning. It "promotes technological change

               and sustainable development" in the Asia-Pacific region, through higher education and research.  

               (SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 12°³±¹ÀÌ 1954³â ¼³¸³) °¡  1959³â¿¡ ÀþÀº °í±ÞÁöµµÀÚ¸¦

               ¾ç¼ºÇϱâ À§ÇØ ¼®»ç¿Í ¹Ú»çÇÐÀ§°úÁ¤ÀÇ ¿¬±¸¼Ò¸¦ ¼³¸³. ÇöÀç 50°³±¹, Çлý 2,000¿©¸íÀÌ ¼öÇÐ Áß)


[7] Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University (Çѱ¹; °­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³ ´ë±âȯ°æ°úÇаú,±³¼ö

              (°­ÀÇ/¿¬±¸/º¸Á÷, Æ÷»ó)

1) (Á¤±³¼ö, °­ÀǼöÇà):  13 courses in the fields of Meteorology, Atmospheric Environment and Physical Oceanography as   

                    both undergraduate courses for B.S. degree and graduate courses for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees

--- 0 Atmospheric Environmental Engineering,  0 Air Pollution Meteorology, 0 Atmospheric Chemistry,

     0 Atmospheric Boundary Layer Meteorology, 0 Environmental Impact  Assessment,

--- 0 Marine Meteorology, 0 Navigation Meteorology & Experiment, 0 Advanced Marine Meteorology,

--- 0 General Oceanography, 0 Dynamical Oceanography & Experiment, 0 Advanced Dynamical Oceanography,

     0 Advanced Physical Oceanography, 0 Ocean Environment  (´ë±âȯ°æ°úÇаúÀÇ Çлç, ¼®»ç, ¹Ú»ç°úÁ¤¿¡¼­

 °­ÀÇ ¹× ÁöµµÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ½

--- 0 ´ë±âȯ°æ°øÇÐ, 0 ´ë±â¿À¿°±â»óÇÐ, 0 ´ë±âÈ­ÇÐ, 0 ´ë±â°æ°èÃþ±â»óÇÐ, 0 ȯ°æ¿µÇâÆò°¡

--- 0 Çؾç±â»óÇÐ, 0 Ç×Çرâ»óÇÐ, 0 °í±ÞÇؾç±â»óÇÐ,

--- 0 ÀϹÝÇؾçÇÐ, 0 Çؾ翪ÇÐ ¹× ½Ç½À, 0 °í±ÞÇؾ翪ÇÐ, 0 °í±Þ¹°¸®ÇؾçÇÐ, 0 Çؾçȯ°æ¿ªÇÐ)


2) (¿¬±¸¼öÇà):

0 Air Pollution Numerical Modeling/Analysis & GIS (´ë±â¿À¿°¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ/ºÐ¼®, Áö¸®Á¤º¸): Dust Storm Generation,

                    Air Pollutant Transport Modeling, Particle Trajectory, Nano-Aerosol Chemical Analysis,  Urban Ecology,

                    Fine Mesh Particle/Indoor Pollution,


0 Meteorological Numerical Modeling & GIS (±â»ó¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ, Áö¸®Á¤º¸): Extra- and Tropical Cyclones(Typhoon),

                    Disaster prevention, Tropical Night, Heavy Rainfall & Flood, Snowfall, Fog, Mountain & Coastal Environment,

                    Windstorm and Internal Gravity Waves, Urban & Coastal Climate, Heat Island Effect, Coastal Low Development,

                    Atmospheric & Marine Boundary Layer Processes

0 Ocean Waves/Circulation Numerical Modeling & GIS (ÇØÆÄ/¼øȯ ¼öÄ¡¸ðµ¨¸µ, Áö¸®Á¤º¸): Ocean Current,

                   Ocean Waves, Ocean Pollution Modeling, Ocean Environmental modeling for Fishery Oceanography,

                   SST Variation by severe weather, Upwelling, Oceanic Internal Waves, Typhoon/ Prediction Modeling,

                   Typhoon Effect on Ocean, Sea Temperature Variation & Chlorophyll Variability under Vortex, Wind Storms

0 Antarctic Climate & Arctic Meteorology (³²±Ø±âÈÄ, ³²±Ø±â»ó): Katabatic Wind, Wind storm, Low Level Jet,

                   Boundary Layer process, Heat budget  

0 Statistical Multi-Regression Modeling & Neuron Network Modeling (´ÙÁßȸ±Í¸ðµ¨¸µ ¹× ½Å°æ¸Á¸ðµ¨¸µ):

                   Multi-regression modeling, Neuron network modeling  


3) (º¸Á÷¼öÇà):

0 Dean, Graduate School, Gangneung-Wonju National University, (°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³ ´ëÇпøÀå), 2011~2012.

0 Dean, Graduate School, Gangneung-Wonju National University, (°­¸ª¿øÁÖ´ëÇб³ ´ëÇпøÀå), 2009~2011

0 Director General, Donghae Coastal Region Research Institute, (µ¿ÇؾÈÁö¿ª¿¬±¸¼ÒÀå),1989~1991

0 Chair person, the Department of Atmospheric Sciences (´ë±âȯ°æ°úÇаú ÇаúÀå), 1988~1990


4) (Æ÷»ó):

0 Meritorious Plate (°ø·ÎÆÐ), 2012

0 Meritorious Prize (°ø·Î»ó), 2008

0 2006 Academic Award (Çмú»ó), 2007


[8] Education of Environmetal Experts, Environmental Association of Gangwon Province

           (Çѱ¹; °­¿øȯ°æÇùȸ, ȯ°æÀü¹®ÀÎ ±³À°-´ë±â¿À¿° ¹°Áú ¹× Àú°¨±â¼úƯ¼º), 2002. ~ 2014.  

              (±³À°): a course of ¡°Characteristic of atmospheric pollutants and reduction technology¡± for

              CEO (about 200) of environmental industries in Gangwon Province of Korea since 2002~2014)


(11) PUBLICATIONS (ÃâÆÇ) (Abridged major papers since 2003)


He edited 4 books and since 1983, about 300 articles were presented in Journals and International Conferences held in

USA, UK (England), Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Switerland,  Hungary, Turkey, Russia,  Spain,  Nigeria,

Argentine,  Chile,  India, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, China,  Hong Kong,  Taiwan, Japan, Korea, etc..

(¹Ì±¹, ¿µ±¹, µ¶ÀÏ, º§±â¿¡, ³×µ¨¶õµå, ¿À½ºÆ®¸®¾Æ, ½ºÀ§½º, Ç×°¡¸®, ÅÍÅ°, ·¯½Ã¾Æ, ½ºÆäÀÎ, ³ªÀÌÁö¸®¾Æ, ¾ËÁ¨Æ¼³ª,

Ä¥·¹, Àεµ, È£ÁÖ, Å±¹, ¸»·¹À̽þÆ, Àεµ³×½Ã¾Æ, ½Ì°¡Æú, Áß±¹, È«Äá, Å¸ÀÌ¿Ï, ÀϺ», Çѱ¹¿¡¼­ 1983³â ÀÌ·¡·Î 4±ÇÀÇ

Ã¥°ú ¾à 300 ¿©ÆíÀÇ ³í¹®À» Àú³Î°ú ±¹Á¦ÇмúȸÀÇ¿¡¼­ ¹ßÇ¥)  ÀÌÁß ÀϺÎ


0  Soo-Min Choi, Hyo Choi and Woojin Paik, 2023: Multivariate regression modeling for coastal urban air quality

             estimates. Applied Science, 13, 10556. (SCIE IF=2.7, Q2)   paper


0  Soo-Min Choi and Hyo Choi, 2023: Influence of multiple interactions of three Typhoons and a

            Mid-Latitude Cloud Band-associated Trough in the North West Pacific upon Severe Tropical Storm Linfa. 

            Remote Sensing, 15(8), 2170. (SCIE IF=5.349, Q1)    paper


0 Doo-Sun Choi, Soo-Min Choi and Hyo Choi, 2023: Abrupt high PM concentrations in an urban calm cavity

             generated by internal gravity waves and a shallow coastal atmospheric boundary layer with the

             influence of the Yellow Dust from China. Remote Sensing, 15(2), 372.  (SCIE IF=5.349; Q1) 



0 Soo-Min Choi and Hyo Choi, 2022:  Artificial neural network modeling on PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 concentrations

            between two megacities without a lockdown in Korea for the COVID-19 pandemic period of 2020. 

            International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 16338.  (SCIE IF=4.614), Q1)  

   . paper


0 Soo-Min Choi and Hyo Choi, 2021: Statistical modeling for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 at Gangneung affected by  local

            meteorological variales and PM10 and PM2.5 at Beijing for non- and dust periods. Applied Sciences

           11(24), 11958.   (SCIE IF=2.838, Q2)   paper


0  Hyo Cho and Mi Sook Lee, 2015: Tropical storm Sarika merging in Typhoon Songda circulation by strong wi nd and

            sufficient moisture transportation. Disaster Advances, 8(1), 1-7.  (SCOPUS)  paper  


0 Yong-kyu Choi, Hyo Choi and Yong-hwa Lee, 2015: Mean heat fluxes at Dok Island, Disaster Advances, 8(3),1-7.




0 Hyo Choi, and  Mi Sook Lee , 2014: Double compressions of atmospheric layer by geopontial tendency and

             vorticity and atmospheric boundary layer affected on abrupt high (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) concentrations

            at a coastal city for a yellow dust period in October. Advances in MeteorologyVol. 2014, Article ID

756230, 1-13. (SCIE IF=1.21)  paper   


0 Hyo Choi, 2013: Cold sea waters induced by cyclogenensis in the East Sea. Disaster Advances, 6(2), 12-20.


             paper  (SCOPUS)


0 Hyo Choi, 2013: Sea fog by southerly warm air over cool sea waters of the southward North Korea Cold Current

            under cyclogenensis in the Yellow Sea. Disaster Advances, 6(5), 41-53. (SCOPUS)  paper  


0 Hyo Choi, 2013: Trapping effect of a calm zone by lee side-internal gravity waves and cyclonic winds on sudden high

            concentrations of particulate matters combined with the Yellow Dusts from Gobi Desert in the Korean eastern

            coast. Disaster Advances, 6(11), 101-111), (SCOPUS)  paper 


0 Hyo Choi, 2012: Extreme decrease of air temperature modified by a Typhoon Passage in the Korean

            Eastern Coast,  Disaster Advances, 5(1), 45-51. (SCIE IF=2.272; Q2) paper  


0 Hyo Choi and Mi Sook Lee, 2012:  Atmospheric Boundary Layer Influenced upon Hourly PM10, PM2.5, PM1

           Concentrations and Their Correlations at Gangneung City before and after Yellow Dust Transportation

           from Gobi Desert. Journal of Climate Research, 7(1), 30-54. paper  


0 Hyo Choi, Mi Sook Lee and Soo Min Choi, 2012: Cold sea surface temperature near Cheju Island responding to

           strong cyclonic wind and positive geopotential tendency behind a typhoon center along its track, Journal of

           Marine Science & Technology, 20(6), 684-692. (SCIE) 



0 Hyo Choi, 2011: Characteristics of hourly variation of gaseous pollutant concentration at Gangneung, Korea for Yello

           Sand Event period in winter-Case study of February 14~16, 2005. Journal of Climate Research, 6(1), 59-76



0 Hyo Choi, Mi Sook Lee and Soo Min Choi, 2010: Wind storm generated by meso-scale cyclogenesis in the Korean

           eastern mountainous coast. Disaster Advances, 3(4), 324-333. (SCIE) paper 


0 Hyo Choi and Soo Min Choi, 2010: Extremely heavy precipitation by Typhoon Rusa and orography in the Korean

           eastern coast. Disaster Advances, 3(4), 316-323. (SCIE) paper 


0 Hyo Choi, Doo Sun Choi and Soo Min Choi, 2010: Meteorological condition and atmospheric boundary layer

           influenced upon temporal concentrations of PM1, PM2.5 at a coastal city, Korea for Yellow Sand Event from

           Gobi Desert. Disaster Advances, 3(4), 309-315. (SCIE)  paper  


0 Hyo Choi and Soo Min Choi, 2010: Generation of windstorm in the eastern mountainous coast of Korea.

            Disaster  Advances, 3(2), 24-34. (SCIE) paper  


0 Hyo Choi, 2010: Cold sea outbreak near Cheju Island under strong wind and atmospheric pressure

            change by typhoon Rusa. Disaster Advances, 3(1), 32-41.(SCIE) paper   


0 Hyo Choi, 2010: Impact of fine particulate matters transported from Gobi Desert to particulate concentrations (PM10,

           PM2.5, PM1) for Yellow Sand Event period in Fall-Case study of October 27, 2003. Journal of Climate Research,

           5(3), 219~233.  paper


0 Hyo Choi, 2009: Heavy snowfall by orography and wind shift in cold front crossing Korean eastern coast. Disaster

           Advances, 2(4), 35~48. (SCIE) paper  


0 Hyo Choi, 2008: Comparison of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in a mountainous coastal city, Gangneung

           before and after the Yellow Dust event in spring. Journal of the Environmental Sciences, 17(6), 633~645.



0 H. Choi, Y.H. Zhang and K.H. Kim, 2008: Sudden high concentration of TSP affected by atmospheric boundary

            layer in Seoul metropolitan area during duststorm period. Environmental International, 34(5), 635-647.

   (SCIE IF=3.867, Q1)  paper  


0 Hyo Choi and Doo Sun Choi, 2008: Concentration of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 influenced by atmospheric circulation

           and atmospheric boundary layer in the Korean mountainous coast during duststorm. Atmospheric Research,

            89, 330-337. (SCI) paper  


0 H. Choi and Y.H. Zhang, 2008: Prediction of duststorm evolution by vorticity theory. Atmospheric Research, 89,

           338-350. (SCI)  paper  


0 Hyo Choi, and Milton S. Speer, 2007: Influences of secondary chemical gas processes on PM1, PM2.5 and PM10

            concentrations over the Korean coast. Advances in Geosciences, 9, 209~224.  paper


0 Hyo Choi, 2006: An investigation of winter rainfall and snowfall in the mountain and coast. Advances in Geosciences,

            5, 113~123.  paper


0 Hyo Choi, 2006: Impact of regional circulation and hear budget to tropical night. Advances in Geosciences,

           5, 125~134.


0 Hyo Choi, and Milton S. Speer, 2006: The influence of synoptic-mesoscale winds and sea surface temperature

            distribution on fog formation near the Korea western peninsula. Meteorological Applications, 13(4), 347-360.

    (SCIE)  paper  


0 Hyo Choi, 2006: Development of prediction technique for local weather-Gangwon region heavy snowfall prediction skill

            development. Rep. 2002M-001-02, (Korean Meteorological Administration), 129~190.


0 H. Choi and M.S. Speer, 2005: Effects of atmospheric circulation and boundary layer structure on the dispersion of

            suspended particulates in the Seoul metropolitan area. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 92(3), 239~254.

    (SCIE)  paper 


0 Hyo Choi, and Yuan Hang Zhang, 2005: Monthly variation of sea-air temperature difference in the Korean coast.

            Journal  of Oceanography, 61(2), 359~367.  (SCIE)  paper  


0 Hyo Choi, 2005: Characteristics of atmospheric circulation in the Sokcho coast. Journal of Environmental Sciences ,

            14(1), 41~51).  paper


0 Hyo Choi, 2005: Development of prediction technique for local weather-Gangwon region heavy snowfall prediction

            skill development. Rep. no. 2002M, (Korean Meteorological Administration), 236~533.


0 Hyo Choi, 2004: Recycling of suspended particulates by atmospheric boundary depth and coastal circulation.

            Journal of  the Environmental Sciences, 13, 721~731.


0 Hyo Choi, 2004: Tropical night (nocturnal thermal high) in the mountainous coastal city. Journal of the Environmental

            Sciences, 13, 965~985. paper


0 Hyo Choi, 2004: Persistent high concentration of ozone during windstorm conditions in southern Korea.

             Meteorology & Atmospheric Physics, 87, 93~107. (SCIE) 



0 H. Choi, Y.H. Zhang and S. Takahashi, 2004: Recycling of suspended particulates by the interaction of sea-land breeze

            circulation and complex coastal terrain. Meteorology & Atmospheric Physics, 87, 109~120. (SCIE) 



0 Hyo Choi, 2004: Development of prediction technique for local weather-Gangwon region heavy snowfall prediction skill

            development. Rep., 2002M-001-01, (Korean Meteorological Administration), 431~500.


0 Hyo Choi, 2003: InflIuence of atmospheric circulation and boundary layer on suspended particulate

         dispersion in the mountain-girt metropolitan area. Journal of Korean Meteorological Society,

         39, 301~320.


0 ÃÖÈ¿ ¿Ü 19¸í, 2003: "´ë±â°úÇа³·Ð(Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences)". ½Ã±×¸¶ÇÁ·¹½º, ¼­¿ï,



Hyo Choi, 2003: Increase of ozone concentration in an inland basin during the period of nocturnal

          thermal high. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 3, 31~51.

   (SCIE) paper 


0 Hyo Choi, Jung Won Seo and Jae Chul Nam, 2002: Evolution of wind storm over coastal complex terrain.

             Journal of  the  Environmental Sciences. 11(7), 865-880.   paper