(1) NAME AND ADDRESS (姓名, 住所)

  Name  (姓名 ):          Dr. Hyo Choi (崔 孝)


  Position (職責): 1) Dean (Former; 前大學院長)

                                  Graduate School

                                  Gangneung-Wonju National University

                                  Jukheongil 7, Gangneung, 

                                  Gangwondo 25457

                                  Republic of Korea


                             2) Full Professor (正敎授)

                                  Dept. of Atmospheric Environmental Sciences

                                  College of Natural Sciences

                                  Gangneung-Wonju National University (國立江陵原州大學校)

                                  Jukheongil 7, Gangneung, 

                                  Gangwondo 25457

                                  Republic of Korea  


                             3) High-end Foreign Expert ( 2015年~2016年 高端外国专家)

                                 South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (南海海洋硏究所)

                                 Chinese Academy of Sciences (中國科學院)

                                 164 West Xingang Road, Guangzhou

                                  510301 Guangdong Province

                                 The People's Republic of China


                             4) Adjunct Professor ( 兼職敎授 )

                                 Zhejiang Ocean University (中國, 浙江海洋大學)

                                 105 Wenhua Road, Zhoushan

                                 316004 Zhejiang Province

                                The People's Republic of China


                             5) Member, "IOC-WESTPAC Working Group of Tropical Cyclone (2015~)

                                 United Nation


                             6) Deputy Director General (副所長)

                                 International Biographical Centre (IBC)

                                 St. Thomas's Place, ELY, CB7 4GG  Cambridge

                                 United Kingdom (England)


                             7) President (Former; 前會長, 2006~2008; AS section),

                                 Vice President (Former; 前副會長, 2005~2006, 2008~2009)

                                 Asia-Oceania Geoscience Society

                                 No. 73 Tras Street, #04-01

                                 Singapore 079012



                             8) President (Former; 前會長)

                                 Korean Environmental Sciences Society

                                 (c/o Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University)

                                 30 Zangjeondong, Busan 609-735

                                 Republic of Korea


                             9) Guest Invited Professor (Former; 前招聘敎授)

                                 State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation & Pollution Control

                                 Peking University, Beijing 100871

                                 The People's Republic of China


                           10) Editor-in-Chief, "Disaster Advances" (SCIE, SCOPUS)

                                 Environmental Disaster Research Institute



                           11) Editor-in-Chief, "American Journal of Environmental Protection"

                                 Science & Education Publishing



                           12) Editor-in-Chief, "American Journal of Food Science & Technology"

                                 Science & Education Publishing



                           13) Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Oceanoraphy & Aquaculture"

                                 Medwin Publishers



                           14) Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Oceans & Oceanography"

                                 Research India Publications (SCOUPS)



                           15) Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Lakes & Rivers"

                                 Research India Publications



                           16) Editor-in-Chief, "Advances in Geosciences, 5" (SCOUPS)-2006

                                 World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC)



                           17) Editor-in-Chief, "Current Development in Oceanography" (Copernius)

                                 Pushpa Publishing Co.



                           18) Associate Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Environment & Resources"

                                Science & Engineering Publishing Co.



                          19) Associate Editor-in-Chief, "Current Advances in Environmental Science"

                                American V-King Publishing.



                          20) Editor, "International Journal of Environment & Pollution", (SCI) (2009)

                                InderScience Publishers   

                                UK (England)


                          21) Editor, "Research Journal of Chenistry & Environment" (SCIE)

                                Environmental Disaster Research Institute



                          22) Editor, "Advances in Geosciences, 9" (SCOUPS)

                                World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC)



                          23) Editor, "The Open Atmospheric Science Journal" (SCOUPS)

                                Bentham Science Publishers



                          24) Editor, "Climate"  (SCOPUS)

                                Climate Editorial Office



                          25) Editor, "International Geoinforrmatics Research & Development Journal"




                          26) Editor, "American Journal of Environmental Engineering"

                                Scientific & Academic Publishing Co.



                          27) Editor, "Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering"

                                World Academic Publishing Co.

                                Hong Kong


                          28) Editor, "Universal Journal of Geoscience"

                                Horizon Research Publishing Co.



                          29) Associate Editor, "International Journal of Research in Chemistry &

                                Environment" Self Publishing Co.



                          30) Editor, "Open Journal of Ocean and Coastal Sciences"

                                Scientific Online Publishing



                          31) Editor,  " Open Journal of Atmospheric  & Climate Change"

                                Scientific Online Publishing



                          32) Editor,  " Journal of Environment & Human"

                                Scientific Online Publishing



                          33) Editor,  " International Journal of Marine Science & Ocean Technology"

                                SciDoc Publishers



                          34) Editor,  " Fluid Mechanics"

                                OMICS International



                          35) Editor, "International Journal of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering

                                Academic Journals



                          36) Editor, "International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences & Studies

                                Prudent Journals



  Address (現住所):  Dr. Hyo Choi, Director General

                                    Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster Research Institute

                                    Dalim Apt. 209ho, Songjungdong 940-23

                                    Gangneung, Gangwondo 25563


                                   Tel:      +82-10-7240-0357 (Off), +82-33-652-0356 (Off)

                                   Fax:     +82-33-652-0356  






                                    Dr. Hyo Choi, Professor  

                                    Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

                                    College of Natural Sciences

                                    Gangneung-Wonju National University

                                   Jukheongil 7, Gangneung 

                                    Gangwondo 25457


                                    Tel:     +82-10-7240-0357 (Off), +82-33-640-2320 (Dept)

                                    Fax:     +82-33-652-0356  




                                  *Gangneung-Wonju National University consists of two campuses

                            at  Gangneung (Kangnung-old name) and Wonju cities.


  Nationality (國籍):  The Republic of Korea (大韓民國)



  1) B. S. (理學士)      : 1968-1976  Dept. of Meteorology, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742

                                                    Korea    (Meteorology)

                                                    (Seoul大學校 氣象學科)    


  2) M. S. (理學碩士: 1976-1978  Dept. of Meteorology, Graduate School, Seoul National University,

                                                     Seoul 151-742, Korea  

                                                     (Physical Oceanography & Marine Meteorology-Wave Modeling)

                                                     (Seoul大學校 大學院 氣象學科)   

       M.S. Thesis (碩士學位論文):  A study on numerical prediction of ocean waves under the

                                                      rapidly development of an extra-tropical cyclone in the East Sea


  3) Ph.D. (工學博士): 1980-1984    Dept. of Civil EngineeringCollege of Engineering,

                                                      University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, U.S.A.

                                                      (Coastal Meteorology & Oceanography-Numerical Modeling)

                                                      (美國, Texas大學校(Austin), 工科大學, 土木工學科)

       Ph.D. Dissertation (博士學位論文): On the formation of nocturnal coastal surface wind speed



  4) Ph.D. (理學博士) : 1999-2004   College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing                                                       100871, The People's Republic of China   

                                                      (Atmospheric Chemistry- Air Pollution Numerical Modeling)

                                                      (中國, 北京大學, 環境大學)  

       Ph.D. Dissertation (博士學位論文): Influence of large scale motion and atmospheric boundary                                                                layer upon dustorm generation and local particulate                                                                concentration



(3) AWARDS (賞勳)


 0 Best Presentation Award : conferred by 6th International Congress of Chemistry & 

                                              Environment, 2nd International Society BioTechnology Conference,

                                              Antwerp,  Belgium, July 10, 2013

    (優秀論文發表 : 6次化學/環境總會/2次生技術國際學術會議, Antwerp, Belgium, 2013. 07. 10.)


 0 Meritorious Panel : conferred by President of Gangneung-Wonju National University,   Korea,

                                              February 29, 2012

    (江陵原州大學校 功勞牌 : 國立江陵原州大學校 , 2012. 02. 29.)


 0 Outstanding Paper of Academic Research Presentation : conferred by President of Korean

                                              Society of Environmental Engineers,  Korea, November 05, 2009

    (2009年 學術硏究發表會 論文賞 : 大韓環境工學會, 2009275, 2009. 11. 05.)


 0 President Award : conferred by President of Kangung National University,  Korea, November 11, 2008

    (2008 江陵大學校 總長表彰狀 : 國立江陵大學校 , 614, 2008. 11. 11.)


 0 2006 Academic  Award : conferred by Kangnung National University , Korea, February 9, 2007

    (2006 江陵大學校 學術賞 :  國立江陵大學校 , 2006-3, 2007. 02. 9.)


 0 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century : conferred by Interantional Biographical

                                               Centre, United Kingdom, June, 2005

    (21世期 2000卓越 知識人 : 英國 世界人名centre, 2005. 06.)


 0 Meritorious Prize : conferred by Korean Environmental Sciences Society, May 21, 2004

    (韓國環境科學會 功勞賞 : 韓國環境科學, 04-01, 2004. 05. 21.)


 0 The 9th Scientific & Technological Prize on Excellent Paper : conferred by Korean Federation

                                                    of Science and Technology Societies, April 30, 1999

    (9回科學技術優秀論文賞 : 韓國科學技術團體總聯合會, 99-20, 1999. 04. 30.)


 0  Administrator Award  conferred by Korean Meteorological Administration,  Korean Government,

                                                    March 20, 1999

    (氣象廳長表彰狀 : 韓國政府氣象廳, 797, 1999. 03. 20.)


 0 National Order-Magnolia : conferred by Korean Government, December 24, 1986

    (國民勳章 木蓮章 : 韓國政府受與, 2878, 1986. 12. 24.)


 0 Meritorious Prize-Chungmu Gold Prize : conferred by Sea Explorers of Korea,  January 31, 1986

     (功勞章-忠武金章 : 韓國海洋少年團聯盟, 86-58, 1986. 01. 31.)


  1st Korea Antarctic Scientific   Expedition (Nov.~ Dec., 1985)

---King Jorge Island, Antacrtica

---Dr. Choi (left)

---Investigater /English Interpreter

  2nd Korea Antarctic Scientific   Expedition (April ~ May, 1987)

--- King Jorge Island, Antacrtica

--- Dr. Choi


Dr. Choi contributed a monthly magnzine "Korean (한국인)" in

February, 1987 on "Antarctic exploration and pioneering history"


Dr. Hyo Choi acted as not only English Interpreter and Scientific Investigator of "Korea Antarctic

Scientific Expedition Team" for two times (November~ December, 1985; April~May, 1987) before

establishing the Korean Antarctic Scientific Station (March, 1988), but also two times Korean

Government Representative for both Government Meetings


(1) "SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Meeting" in Sandiego, USA (1986) and

(2) "Inter-governmental Meetings on Antarctic Treaty and Science Policies" in Racine, USA (1986)


Under the cooperation of the US State Department for the consent of the State Parties to the Antarctic

Treaty, especially with the help of Representive of USA (President, University of Texas at Huston,

at that time) in "Inter-Governmental Meeting in Racine (1986)", Korea could join in the Antarctic

Treaty in September, 1986.


Then, after Korean Government became a member of "Antarctic Treaty" in September, 1986, Dr. Choi

received "National Order of Civil Merit-Mogryeon Medal (國民勳章 木蓮章) conferred by Korean

Government for his contribution on December 24, 1986 (his age was 37). 


(1) During 1st Korea Antarctic Scientific Expedition (Nov.~Dec., 1985)--The Korean team was divided 

into two teams for King Jorge Isand (Antarctic peninsula) & Mt. Vinson Massif(Antarctic continent)


0 Dr. Choi surveyed 6 stations (Chile, Russia, China, Urugay, Poland, Brazil) and investigated King

Jorge Island by foot & Helicopter by taking many photos on the island as well as Interpreter for the


0 Korean climbers performed a climbing of Mt. Vinson Massif in Antarctic continent.


(2) During 2nd korea Antarctic Scientific Expedition (April~May, 1987)--The Korean team stayed

in King Jorge Island


0 Dr. Choi surveyed a suitable land for the construction of a future Korean Scientific Station in King

Jorge Island, Antarctica as both Investigater and Interpreter 



Dr. Choi's TV Interview in MBC, 9PM News

  on 15 February, 1987 (Korea).


(Antarctic Station-Antarctic Scientific Station






(1) 1st Korea Antarctic Expedition (Nov.~Dec.,


0 Dr. Choi established a comprehensive 

      Meteorological  measuring instruments in

      King Jorge Island

-- Measuring Wind, Temperature, Humidity, etc.

-- Analyzing Satellite pictures of US & Russian


-- Analyzing Weather maps with Sounding date of      Chile Antarctic Meteorological Observatory

-- He obtained various detail topographical

     maps on King Jorge Island & Antarctic

     continent from Chile Navy Command

     (Punta Arenas), before his performance.