(1) LAB. OF ATMOSPHERIC-OCEANIC ENVIRONMENTS(ÓÞѨ.úåÇü»ÌÑæÚϼãø) o MAJOR TEACHING AND RESEARCH FIELDS (Ë»ëù/æÚϼÝÂå¯): 0 Teaching -- Air Pollution Modeling -- Air Pollution Meteorology -- Air Quality & Geographic Information System (GIS) - At -- Atmospheric Environmental Engineering - A -- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Meteorology--Surface, Convective, Internal, Mixed, Marine Boundary Layer - -- Atmospheric Turbulence and Experiment -- Environment Impact Assessment & Human Health -- Urban Climate -- Coastal Meteorology--Wind Field, Cyclogenesis, Coastal & Sea Fogs, Internal Waves -- Extra-tropical Cyclone & Tropical Cyclone (Typhoon) -- Wind Storm & Internal Gravity Waves -- General Oceanography -- Marine Meteorology -- Physical Oceanography -- Dynamical Oceanography & Experiment -- Ocean Waves & Oceanic Internal Waves -- Ocean Circulation Modeling -- Ocean Environmental Modeling 0 Research - Modeling on Air Pollution : Duststorm, Air Pollution Modelling,Nano-Aerosol Chemical Analysis, Fine Mesh Particle/Indoor Pollution - Modelling on Meteorology : Tropical Night, Heavy Rainfall & Flood, Wind Storm, Snow Storm, Fog, Ice Rainfall, Heat Waves, Typhoon, Cyclogesis, Artic Cold Wave Oscillation
- Ocean Circulation Modelling : Ocean Current, Ocean Waves, Ocean Pollution Modelling, Sea Fog, Upwelling, Typhoon impact to ocean environment - Fishery Oceanography : Fisheries Farming, SST variation/Plankton - Mountain & Coastal Environment : Severe Weather, Mounatin downslope wind (IGW), Coastal Climate - Urban Climatology : Urban Heat Island Effect, Urban Ecology - Antartic Climate : Antartic and Artic Weather (Katabatic wind, Low level jet, Boundary layer process - Fluid Mechanics : Karman vortex, Rankine vortex - Statistical Modeling : Artificial Intelligence-Neural Network Modeling, Multiple Regression modeling
(2) DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONS (ÏÐÒ®/ÏÐð· úðÕô) (Cooperated by Dr. Hyo Choi)
College of Environmental Science & Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China http://www.environ.pku.edu.cn
Dr. Hyo Choi : - Guest Invited Professor
National Fisheries & Research Development Institute, Korea (East Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Korea) http://www.nfrdi.re.kr/ http://esfri.nfrdi.re.kr
Dr. Hyo Choi : - Fishery Researcher (nominated by President of Korean Government)
Peking University, Beijing, China-ÝÁÌÈÓÞùÊ Peking University/Kangnung Natational University Cooperative Research Group(ÝÁÌÈÓÞùÊ ü»ÌÑùÊêÂ/ Ë°×ÕÓÞùÊ ÓÞѨü»ÌÑΡùÊΡ ÍìÔÒæÚϼ |