(1) DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (國內/國際協力) (Cooperated by Dr. Hyo Choi)
Gangneung-Wonju National University, Wonju & Gangneung Campuses, Korea
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Dean of Graduate School
(1)Dean's Office at Wonju Campus(left), Gangneung Campus(center), (2)Dept. of Atmospheric Environmental Sciences(right), Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea
Staffs of Wonju & Gangneung Campuses of Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University, China http://web5.pku.edu.cn/huanjing/AcademicTeam/zzjzg/ O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Guest Invited Professor
Peking Universiy (Campus, Library), Beijing, China
Peking University, Beijing (China) (Graduation Ceremony, Atmospheric Cemistry Group(北京大學), Beijing city - scenery)
International Journal Editors: Peking University/Kangnung Natational University JGR, JCE, MAP, AE, AR, FEOR, EI, IJEP, Cooperative Research Group北京大學 環境學院/ WASP, CDO, DA, IJWRM 江陵大學 大氣環境科學科 共同硏究 (June 18, 2004)
AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), Singapore
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - President (Atmospheric Science) -- 2005~2009
IBC (International Biographical Center), United Kingdom(England) http://www.internationalbiographicalcentre.com/
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Deputy Director General
National Fisheries & Research Development Institute, Korea (East Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Korea) http://www.nifs.go.kr/page?id=en_index
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Fishery Researcher (nominated by President of Korean Government)
Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
O Dr. Milton Speer
Dept. of Meteorological Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey http://www3.itu.edu.tr/~incecik
O Dr. Selahattin Incecik
Dept. of Mechanical and Energy , University of Northern Texas, USA
O Dr. John Kuruvilla
Dept. of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
O Dr. Peter Chu
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK(England) http://www.uea.ac.uk/~e490/www.htm
O Dr. Peter Brimblecombe
Disaster Prevention Research Institute-Kyoto University, Japan http://ssrs.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hp/index_en.html
O Dr. Tetsuya Takemi
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University, China http://web5.pku.edu.cn/huanjing/AcademicTeam/zzjzg/
O Dr. Yuan Hang Zhang
Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 5, Singapore http://www.worldscibooks.com/environsci/5913.html
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Environment & Pollution, United Kingdom (England) http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=9&year=2009&vol=39&issue=3/4
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor
Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 9, Singapore http://www.worldscibooks.com/environsci/5913.html
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor
The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, USA http://www.benthamopen.com/TOASCJ/editorial-board/ O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor
Disaster Advances, India https://www.worldresearchjournals.com/disasteredtboard.aspx
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor
International Journal of Water Resources & Environment Engineering, Nigeria http://www.academicjournals.org/IJWREE/Email.htm
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor
International Geoinformatics Research & Development Journal, Malaysia http://www.igrdg.com/IGRDJ%203.htm
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor
Current Development in Oceanography, India http://www.pphmj.com/journals/cdo.htm
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor-in-Chief
2nd AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 2005 Annual General Meeting (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)
20-24 June, 2005, SINGAPORE, http://www.asiaoceania.org/council%202005.html (Nation: 43; Participant; 846; Paper; 1,060) 2nd AOGS Annual Conference: Convenors & 2nd AOGS - Indian & Korean Delegates Dr. Hyo Choi (2nd left) (June 23, 2005) (June 24, 2005)
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Vice President : AOGS (2005~2006) (Atmosphere Sciences) - Convenors : "Atmospheric Environment (A4)" & "Regional and Urban Climate (OA7)" sessions of AOGS Meeting (2004~2005) - Editor-In-Chief : "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 5", World Scientific Publishing Co.
3rd International Symposium on Air Quality at Urban, Regional & Global Scales, 2005 (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)
26-30 September, 2005, Instanbul, Turkey, http://web.deu.edu.tr/tuncap/aqm2005 3rd AQM International Symposium (Istanbul, Turkey; Sept. 24~30, 2005). (1-1) Blue Mosque, (1-2) Eminonu Harbor(Bosphorus) (2-1) Welcoming Address by Dr. Choi (Movenpick Hotel-Istanbul) (2-2) Scholars(Spain, England, Australia, Korea) (Banquet on the ship in Bosphorus Strait) (3-1) President(Dr. Mills)-IUAPPA & President(Dr. Choi)-AOGS(Atmospheric Sciences) (3-2) Korean delegates (Movenpick Hotel-Istanbul) (4-1) Cheeze shop in Kapalicarsi Grand Bazaar (Istanbul) (4-2) Near Bazaar in (Istanbul)
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Co-President of AQM Symposium - International Scientific Committee Member - Guest Editor - "Atmospheric Research" (SCI index)
3rd AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 2006 Annual General Meeting (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)
10-14 July, 2006, SINGAPORE, http://www.asiaoceania.org/council%202006.html (Nation: 43; Participant; 744; Paper; 844)
- Abstract submission : 15 Feb., 2006 - Registration & Abstract - Fee waves application : 1 Feb., 2006 - Deadline of submitting a manuscript to be reviewed for the publication on "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 11" : End of October, 2006 (Each paper : with about 10 ~ 15 pages including one colorful page; Pubication: May, 2007)
3rd AOGS Annual General Meeting (Singapore; July 10 ~ 14, 2006) (1-1) Overview of Singapore (1-2) Suntec city (Conference place of AOGS, Singapore) (2-1) Scholars (USA, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, etc.) (Banquet at Tanglib Club) (2-2) Scholars (India, Korea) (on the corridor of Suntec conference rooms)
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - President (2006~2008) : AOGS (Atmsopheric Sciences) - Convenor : "Atmospheric Environment - AS13", AOGS2006 Meeting - Editor-In-Chief : "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 5", World Scientific Publishing Co.
Secretariats : - Dr. Milton Speer (University of New South Wales, Australia) - Dr. Yuan Hang Zhang (Peking University, China) - Dr. Jai-Ho Oh (Pukyong National University, Korea) - Dr. Kazuhisa Tsuboki (Nagoya University, Japan) - Dr. Ujjaini Sarkar (Jadavpur University, India)
4th AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 2007 Annual General Meeting (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)
30 July ~ 3 August, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand http://www.asiaoceania.org/council%202007.html (Nation: 49; Participant; 1,093; Paper; 1,172)
- Session proposal submission : End of Oct., 2006 - Abstract submission : Feb., 2007 - Registration & Abstract - Fee waves application : Feb., 2007
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - President (2006~2008) : AOGS (Atmsopheric Sciences) - Convenor : "Atmospheric Environment & Pollution-11", AOGS2007 Meeting - Editor : "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 9", World Scientific Publishing Co.
Secretariats : - Dr. Milton Speer (University of New South Wales, Australia) - Dr. Yuan Hang Zhang (Peking University, China) - Dr. Jai-Ho Oh (Pukyong National University, Korea) - Dr. Kazuhisa Tsuboki (Nagoya University, Japan) - Dr. Ujjaini Sarkar (Jadavpur University, India)
5th AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 2008 Annual General Meeting (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)
16~20 June, 2008, Busan, Korea http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2008/ (Nation: 52; Participant; 1,627; Paper; 1,704) - Session proposal submission : End of Oct., 2007 - Abstract submission : 07 Feb., 2008 - Registration & Abstract - Fee waves application : 07 Feb., 2008
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - President (2006~2008) : AOGS (Atmsopheric Sciences) - du8392@hanmail.net ( http://www.asiaoceania.org/society/officebearer07.htm ) - Convenor : "Atmospheric Environment & Pollution-10", AOGS2008 Meeting
Secretariats : - Dr. Milton Speer (University of New South Wales, Australia) - Dr. Yuan Hang Zhang (Peking University, China) - Dr. Jai-Ho Oh (Pukyong National University, Korea) - Dr. Kazuhisa Tsuboki (Nagoya University, Japan) - Dr. Ujjaini Sarkar (Jadavpur University, India) 5th AOGS Annual General Meeting (Busan, Korea; June 16 ~ 20, 2008) (1-1) Overview of BEXCO conference place (1-2) Dr. Choi conferred an award to Dr. Rho, distinguished lecturer (AS Section of AOGS) (2-1) Scholars (Dr. Choi, Young scientist-China) (Banquet at BEXCO main Hall, 7/16) (2-2) Scholars (Dr. Choi, Macau, USA, Hong Kong, Hong Kong) (Banquet at BEXCO main Hall, 7/16) (3-1) Scholars (Turkey, Dr. Choi, USA) (in conference room, BEXCO) (3-2) Scholars (Dr. Choi, Macau, Canada, Canada, Singapore, Canada) (front gate of BEXCO; 7/19) (4-1) Scholars (Dr. Choi, China, Singapore, Japan, USA) (Banquet on crusier in Busan Harbor; 7/19) (4-2) Scholars (Singapore, Dr. Choi, Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan) (Banquet on crusier; 7/19) (5-1) Scholars (Dr. Choi, USA, Macau) (Banquet on crusier; 7/19) (5-2) Scholars (Taiwan, Dr. Choi, Taiwan, Taiwan) (Lunch in Gang Anri Beach, Busan; 7/20) (6-1) Scholars (Japan, Canada, Dr. Choi, Canada, Japan, Japan, Korea, Canada, Canada, Singapore, Canada) (Banquet on crusier; 7/19) (6-2) Scholars (Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Korea, Turkey) (Lunch in Gang Anri Beach, Busan; 7/19)
2nd Wokshop on Mega City & Regional Air Pollution
18~19 January, 2008, Gangzhou, China
(1-1) Views of workhop at Gangzhou. (1-2) Dr. Choi's presentation. (2-1) Chinese restaurant in Gangzhou city, China. (2-2) Gangzhou Museum at Gangzhou with Dr. Choi and Dr. Lee-his wife. (3-1) and (3-2) Scenery of Guileen in Wunan province in the southwestern part of China with Dr. Choi and his wife.
2008 Culture & Peace International Forum 27~29 September, 2008, Seungnam, Korea (The Academy of Korean Studies)
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Session Convenor & Speaker: Peace between Environment & Ecology: -- Environment & Ecological system in 21 centry
(1) Schedule poster on "Culture & Peace" in the conference place (The Academy of Korean Studies). (1-1) The speech of Premier of Korean Government (Dr. Seung Soo Han). (1-2) Banquet with Dr. Choi, Dr. Yoon, Dr. Sheen and Other Speaker. (2-1) Lunch with Dr. Yoon, Dr. Choi, Dr. Chapple, Dr. Petrov, Dr. Wang and Dr. Sheen -- speakers. (2-2) Banqet with Dr. Choi, Dr. Eillis, Dr. Dovers and Dr. Grim--speakers
The 4th PEACE (Program of the East Asian Cooperative Experiments) Ocean Science Wokshop
17~19 September, 2008, Vladivostok, Russia
Views of PEACE Ocean Workshop at Russian Oceanographical Institute. (1-1) Director General of Russian Oceanographical Institute & Dr. Choi. (1-2) Dr. Choi's Presentation. (2-1) Scenery of Vladivostok harbor with Dr. Choi. (2-2) Japanese & Russian scientists, & Dr. Choi. (3-1) and (3-2) Break time with Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese &Taiwanese oceanographers, enjoying beverage, votka and food. Dr. Choi is in the last of the right in (3-2). (4-1) Russian church. (4-2) Armenian restaurant at Vladivostok, ** 5th PEACE Workshop was held at Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung city of Korea, on Sept. 11 - 12, 2010.
EMECS-8 (Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas)
24~30 October, 2008, Shanghai, China
Views of EMECS conference. Dr. Choi presented his paper and joined in the conference as research group memebr and adviser at council meeting
PORSEC2008 (9th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference)
2~6 December, 2008, Gangzhou, China
Views of PORSEC Conference (Dr. Choi presented 4 papers) and night scenery near Peral River.
7th International Conference on Air Quality - Science & Application (AQ2009)
2~6 March, 2009, Istanbul, Torkey http://www.airqualityconference.org/conference_committee.html
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - International Scientific Committee Member
3rd International Conference on Health GIS 2009
24~26 July, 2009, Hyderabad, India http://e-geoinfo.net/healthgis2009/
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Keynote Speaker : Health GIS 2009, July 25, 2009 (Hyderabad International Convention Center)
Health GIS conference at Hyderabad International Convention Center, India. Views of Conference (Dr. Choi was a Keynote Speaker), Indian Dancing and Golkonda Fort
6th AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 2009 Annual General Meeting (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)
11-15 August, 2009, Singapore http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2009/ (Nation: 52; Participant; 1,149; Paper; 1,226)
- Session proposal submission : 1st of December, 2008 - Abstract submission : 30 March, 2009 - Registration & Abstract - Fee waves application : 15 March, 2009
O Dr. Hyo Choi - Vice President - AOGS (2008~2009) (대기과학) - du8392@hanmail.net
( http://www.asiaoceania.org/society/officebearer07.htm ) - Convenor - "AS10-Atmospheric Environment & Pollution" Session, AOGS2008 Meeting AOGS conference at SUNTEC international convention center at Singapore. Dr. Choi acted as Vice President (2008-2009) at Atmospheric Science Section (AS) of AOGS. He acted as President (2006-2008) and Vice-President (2005-2006) at Atmospheric & Oceanic Section. At a Chinese restaurant with Dr. Choi, Japanese and Canadian scientists. Dr. Choi and Indian scientists at SNTEC conference place.
5th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS 2009)
12~16 October, 2009, Landshut, Germany http://www.essl.org/ECSS/2009
Dr. Hyo Choi is in just rightt side of photo center. ECSS2009 was held at Stadt Theather (Landshut), Germany. Banquet was at the same place.
5th PEACE/CREAM-AP (EAST- II) 2010 International Ocean Workshp
11~12 Septembet, 2010, Gangneung, Korea http://atmos.kangnung.ac.kr/ch/peace2010
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Organizing Chair : PEACE2010 Wokshop, Gangneung-Wonju National University (Gangneung)
- PEACE Conference place: Gangneung-Wonju National University at Gangneung campus, Korea - Seashore near the university - Coastal sea near the university - Kyungpo lake and beach near the university
- PEACE Conference place: Gangneung-Wonju National University at Gangneung campus, Korea - Conference place in Life Science Building, Room 103 of GWNU - Japanese presenter and Coffee Break - Banquet at a resturant-"Gowan" in the downtown of Gangneung city
- National Part-Mt. Sorak in Sokcho city, 70km away from Gangneung city to the north - Kyungpo lake near Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung city, Korea - Kyungpo beach street of "Sashimi Resturants and Kyungpo beach of the right of Kyungpo Lake
1st International Conference on Managing Ecosystem Health of Tropical Seas: Environmental Management of Coastal Ecosystem
19~21 October, 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia http://ibs.upm.edu.my/~ecoseas/committee.html O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Scientific Committee Member - Opening ceremony at conference place ("Marriott Putrajaya Hotel")--Kuala Lumpure, Malaysia -- Dr. Hyo Choi presented two papers (left and right in the conference places) - Traditional restaurant-"Saloma"-Kuala Lumpure -- Performance of traditional dancing (left) and Banquet in Saloma (Dr. Choi-Right)
4th Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales & 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference ( 10~13 September, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey http://aqm2012.itu.edu.tr/ O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Conference place: Istanbul Technical University (ITU) (Dr. Choi-center) & Dr. Lee and Dr. Choi - Topaz Palace, Istanbul (Dr. Choi & Dr. Lee) & Garden party at Branch Campus of ITU - Aya Sophia (Istanbul; Dr. Lee) & Dr. Lee and Dr. Choi at Traditional resturant in Istanbul
10th General Assembly of Asia-Oceania Geoscioence Society (AOGS 2013)
24~28 June, 2013, Brisbane, Australia http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2013/public.asp?page=GE_results.htm (Nation: 47; Paper; 1,300)
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Session Head Convenor-(AS21-Air Quality Modeling and Monitoring and Health Impacts)
(1-1) Conference place: AS-21 Session Key Members (Brisbane Convention Centre) & Scenes in Brisbane.
ICCE 2013-International Conference on Chemistry & Environment
8~10 July, 2013, Antwerp, Belgium http://www.chemenviron.net/BoardofMember.php (Nation: 20; Paper; 225)
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Editor, Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment (SCIE) (1-1) Indian speakers and Dr. Choi at Antwerpen University (Conference place). (1-2) Building in the campus of Antwerpen University. (2-1) Presentation by Dr. Choi. (2-2) Dr. Choi and Indian scientists in the campus. (3-1) Antwerpen Railway Station (It was famous for flash Mob such as Group Dancing). (3-2) Banquet on the 4th floor of reception building in the university (4-1) Historical street of Antwerpen city (Dr. Choi). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UE3CNu_rtY&fs=1&hl=nl%5FNL (4-2) Resturants beside "Antwerpen Station" near Reonardo Hotel (Many restaurants exist)
BIT-2nd WCMB-2013 Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology
23~25 September, 2013, Hangzhou, China http://www.bitcongress.com/WCMB2013/
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Keynote Speaker - Session Chair
Zhejiang Ocean University-Zhoushan
24~26 September, 2013, Zhoshan, China http://www.zjou.edu.cn/
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Invited Speaker - Adjunct Professor (1-1) Scenes of Zhejiang Ocean University. (1-2) Library (message: Welcome Korean Professional Scientist) to Zhhejiang Ocean University. (2-1) Slogan of Zhejiang Ocean University (Today, why do you attend university?, How about your study? After graduation, Do you prepare what you will do? (2-2) Parts of university campus (3-1) Dean, Deng Yibing conferred Certificate of Adjunct Professor issued by President of Zhejiang Ocean University (on Sept. 25, 2013) to Dr. Hyo Choi (3-2) Dr. Choi gives a Special Lecture to Professors and Graduate Students. . (4-1) and (4-2) English and Chinese Certificates of Adjunct Professor of Zhejiang Ocean University. (5-1) Professors (School of Marine Sciences:) and Dr. Choi (centre). (5-2) Lunch with Key Staffs (Professors) of the University (6-1) Part of the campus: near Domitory of the university. (6-2) Military training of students in the ground. (7-1) Ferry boat to "Pu De Si" (Temple with lotus). (7-2) Dr. Choi on the bridge is near a famous Tea Shop with "Lotus leaf tea".
2014 International Conference on Environmental Disaster Management & Prediction ( ICEDMP 2014 ) 18~20 August, 2014, Gangneung, Korea, http://atmos.gwnu.ac.kr/ch/ICEDMP2014
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - President of Oganizing Committee - Keynote Speaker - Editor-in-Chief: (1-1) ICEDM 2014 Conference place, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Basic Education Center 222 (1-2) Dr. Choi is addressing. (2-1) Opening ceremony of ICEDMP 2014. (2-2) Participants (in part) of the conference. (3-1) and (3-2) Party for Prof. Hyo Choi's Retirement from Gangneung-Wonju National University. -- (Korea, Australia, India, Thailand, China, Japan, Russia) (4-1) Prof. Chois' family with two sons. (4-2) Banquet at Kyungpo Beach Raw Fish Restaurant In Gangneung coast (Korea, Australia, India, China, Japan) (4-2) Banquet at "Nul-bom-gongwon Bulgoki Restaurant" in the downtown of Gangneung City -- (Korea, Australia, India, China)
BIT's 4th WCMB-2014, Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology-2014
16~18 October, 2014, Dalian, China http://www.bitcongress.com/wcmb2014/program-Track1.asp
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Advisory Board Members : WCMB-2014 - Keynote Speaker - Chair, Track 1: Marine Biogeochemistry
(1-1) Conference place: Dalian International Convention Center (near Dalian Habor) (1st line of photo) (1-2) BIT's 4th Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology 2014 was held on the 2nd floor. - Front deskt for registration (2-1) Dr. Choi was Advisort Board Meamber of WCMB and Session Chair of Track 1-Marine Biogeochemistry. (2-2) Speakers of Biogeochemistry Session (Dr. Choi is in the last of right) ). (3-1) Annual World Congress (left of 3rd line of photos). (3-2) Dr. Mohamed & Dr. Choi (4-1) Dalian city (left of 4th line). (3-2) Exhibition boots (right) in the 2nd floor of the convention center.
5th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Indian Ocean-South China Sea & Typhoon Sciences
24~25 August, 2015, Gangzhou, China http://lingzis.51.net/Typhoon2015/speakers.htm
O Dr. Hyo Choi :
O Dr. Hyo Choi's interview with "Gangdong TV News" on "Improvement of Typhoon Forecasating Skill in China" (on August 25, 2015)". (1-1) 5th IOSCS Symposium Opening Ceremony (Place): Gangdong University of Foreign Studies (Left): (Participants--USA, Italy, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Korea, China, Japan, Mianma, etc.) (1-2) Dr. Choi's Speech (Right) (2-1) Participants in the opening of symposium (Left) (2-2) Dr. Choi's interview (center) with "Gangdong TV News" on Typhoon Forecasating (right)
(3-1) Memorial photo with participants in the symposium (left) (3-2) Pearl river nighttime boat trip with some of committee members (right) (4-1) Restaurent street of Gangzhou city -Committee Members (Mianma, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Italy, Korea, China, Pakistan) (left) (4-2) Social meeting with some Committee members (Italy, China, Korea, Pakistan, Japan, Nepal, Mianma) at a Chinese restaurent (Dr. Choi - 2nd from the right in the first row). (5-1) Dr. Choi on the front gate of Namhwa Chen Temple in Gangdong Province, China (right) (5-2) Main building inside "Namhwa Chen Temple" as the famous Chen Temple of China (right).
ICESB 2015 (5th International Conference on Environmental Science & Biotechnology 9~11 November, 2015, Jinju, Korea http://www.icesb.org/index.html
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Chair of Technical Committee - Keynote Speaker (1-1) 5th 2015 ICESB International Conference (Place) : Kyungsang National University (Jinju, Korea) (2-1) Participants -- USA, China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Mianma, Korea, etc. (Key participants in the conference ; right upper) (2-2) Dr. Choi confers "Best Presentation Award" to a speaker (right bottom)
Arirang TV (UPFRONT Ep88) Discussi on "Strategies for the New Climate Regime"-- COP21 Paris Agreement (Nov. 30~Dec. 12, 2015; France) to UNFCCC (United Nation Framwork Comversion on Clmate Change)
10 December, 2015, Seoul, Korea
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Director General, Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster Research Institute - Dean, Gangneung-Wonju National Universty (2009~2011; 2011~2012) - President, Korea Environmental Sciences Society (2002~2003) - Senior Researcher, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) (Korean Government Invited Overseas Scientist) (1984~1988)
Dr. Choi and other panels discussed on COP 21 Paris Agreement in Ariramg TV (24 hour's English broadcasting) in Seoul, Korea. . 5th International Conference on Oceanography & Marine Biology 18~20 October, 2017, Seoul (Courtyard Seoul Times Square Hotel), Korea https://www.oceanographyconference.com/2017/
O Dr. Hyo Choi : - Organization Committee Committee 0 5th International Conference on Oceanography & Marine Biology--Organizing Committee Members (left; Dr. Hyo Choi) 1-1) Venue (Conference place)-"Courtyard Marriot Seoul Time Square Hotel" (near Yongdongpo Station) 1-2) Renowned speakers (China, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Iran, India, Russia, Canada -- Dr. Choi's Speech (3rd Right)) 2-1) Renowned speakers (Taiwan, Indonesia, China, Korea, Bangladesh, Iran, India, Russia) -- Dr. Choi's Speech (4th Right)) 2-2) Participants in the conference (in part) 3-1) & 3-2) Dr. Choi's presentations--Interactions between 3 typhoons and Mid latitude trough with clouds
2018 4th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2018) 28~30 May, 2018, Regal Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong
O Dr. Hyo Choi : 1-1) Dr. Choi acted as Cnference Chair (President) of ICAER 2018 conference in Hong Kong 1-2) Renowned speakers (USA, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea, Keya)--Venue (Cionference place) --"Regal Oriental Hotel", Dr. Choi--Right Second of frst line. 2-1) Dr. Choi presented his research paper on Air Pollution.. 2-2) Dr. Lee and Mr. Choi at Hong Kong-Stanley Beach. 3-1) Dr. Choi received a certificate of appreciation for his research paper from Program Chair of ICAER. 3-2) Street view of Hong Kong.
(Reference Music) 0 Histroia de un amore (by Panamanian songwriter-Carlos Eleta Almarán, song-Julio Iglesias-Spain) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74IYXC0INos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCA-7Fgx8z0&list=RDOCA-7Fgx8z0&index=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC0JJGgnf9g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzjE33U_gy8&spfreload=10
0 The Tango - Scent of a Woman (4/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2zTd_YwTvo
0 Troika (Russian Folk Song) (balalaika) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgJIxW5cCBc (Russian-Korean Lyric) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILw1JTaVv24 (Chinese version)
0 "L'italiano" (Original by Toto Cutugno) - Daniele Vitale Sax Sax & Karolina Protsenko Violin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Juf5jUZG64&list=RDVbCUZa38v1g&index=5
0 I want to know what love is (1984, song by Foreigner; Mariah Carey) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twwu2JjM3Wk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCadlN8fexk&list=RDgCadlN8fexk&index=1
0 Lady (song by Kenny Rogers) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYRfUoR9Q4Y
0 Just for you 2 (by Giovanni Marradi) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH77lBPsaNk
0 Where are you (by Sohyang) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4unJbVVOko&list=PLvUTgfDslyWCfPwja52Ubxoa8Z6-afpIM
0 Sukiyaki (song by Kyu Sakamoto)