Dr. Hyo Choi (최효박사)


Dr. Hyo Choi, Professor

Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

College of Natural Sciences

Gangneung-Wonju National University

Jukheongil 7, Gangneung, Gangwondo 25457,

Republic of Korea



  강원도 강릉시 죽헌길 7

  국립강릉원주대학교, 자연과학대학  대기환경과학과

  최효 교수(전)


Tel:      +82-33-652-0356

Fax:      +82-33-652-0356  



Web:    http://www.aodri.com   




Dr. Hyo Choi, Director General

Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster Research Institute

Dalim Apt. 209 ho, Songjungdong 940-23,

Gangneung, Gangwondo 25563,

Republic of Korea




   강원도 강릉시 송정동 940-23 대림아파트 209호

   (사단법인) 대기.해양재해연구소

   최효 이사장


Tel:     +82-33-652-0356 (Off)

Fax:     +82-33-652-0356  

E-mail: du8392@hanmail.net  


Web:    http://www.aodri.com    






  ENGLISH                                                                                    KOREAN