Dr. Hyo Choi (崔孝)

    Director General

    Atmospheric-Oceanic Disaster Research Institute

    Dalim Apt. 209 ho, Songungdong 940-23

    Gangneung, Gangwondo 25563



 Tel:    +82-33-652-0356 (off)

 Fax:   +82-33-652-0356     









   Dr. Hyo Choi (崔孝)

    Former Professor

    (Former Dean of The Graduate School)

    Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

    College of Natural Sciences,

    Gangneung-Wonju National University

    Gangneung Campus, Jukheongil 7

    Gangneung, Gangwondo 25457



  Major Research

  Numerical Modeling, Monitoring & Analysis on

  Atmospheric, Oceanic and Environmental 



 - Air Pollution Modeling, Atmospheric Chemistry

   (Urban Air Quality-Particulate Matter, Gases,

    Yellow Sand Storm, Dust Transpotation)

 - Physical Oceanography & Oceanic Environment

   (Ocean Waves, Ocean Circulation, Upwelling,

    Chlorophyll-aOceanic Internal Waves)

 - Marine Meteorology

   (Typhoon Track & Interaction, Storm Surge, 

    Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer,

    Wind Waves, Air-Sea Interaction, Vortex Street)

 - Coastal Meteorology

   (Synoptic & Meso Circulations, Cyclogenesis,

    Frontgenesis, Internal Gravity Waves, Wind Storm,

    Coastal & Sea Fogs, Atmospheric Boundary Layer,

    Thermal Internal Boundary Layer, Duck,

    Karman Vortex, Rankine Vortex)

- Statistical Modeling

   (Artificial Intelligence-Neural Network modeling,

     Multiple Regression Modeling)








  A part of Gangneung Campus (in Gangneung city),      Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea.

   (Another campus is in Wonju city close to Seoul)



        (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi) (in part)


Disaster Advances (SCI, SCOPUS)

    - Editor-in-Chief (Environmental Disaster Research

      Institute), India


American Journal of Food Science & Technology


   - Editor-in-Chief (Science & Education Publishing

     Co), USA


International Journal of Oceanography &


   - Editor-in-Chief (Medwin Publishers), USA


International Journal of Oceans & Oceanography

       (Web of Science)

   - Editor-in-Chief (Research India Publications), India


American Journal of Environmental Protection


   - Editor-in-Chief (Science & Education Publishing

     Co), USA


International Journal of Lakes and Rivers

       (Web of Science)

   - Editor-in-Chief (Research India Publications), India


Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 5 (SCOPUS)-2006

   - Editor-in-Chief (World Scientific Pub.), Singapore


International Journal of Research in Chemistry &

    Environment (Copernicus  

  - Associate Editor-in-Chief (Self Publishing Co), India


International Journal of Environment & Pollution

     (SCI) 2009, Special issue 

   - Editor (InderScience Publsher), UK (England)


Climate (SCOUPS)

   - Editor (Climate Editorial Office), Switzerland



   - Editor (SCI Editorial Office), Switzerland


Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment


   - Editor (Environmental Disaster Res. Institute), India


The Open Atmospheric Science Journal

  - Editor (Bentham Scientific Publishers), USA


American Journal of Environmental Engineering 


   - Editor (Scientific & Academic Publishing Co), USA


Universal Journal of Geoscience (Copernicus)

   - Editor (Horizon Research Publishing Cor.), USA


Journal of Shipping & Ocean Engineering

   - Editor (David Publishing Co.), USA


International Journal of Marine Science & 

    Ocean Technology (DOAZ, Copernicus)

   - Editor (SciDoc Publishers), USA


Journal of Earth Science & Engineering

   - Editor (David Publishing Co.), USA


Journal of Water Resources & Ocean Science


   - Editor (Science Publishing Group), USA


Fluid Mechanics

   - Editor (OMICS International), USA


Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 9


   - Editor (World Scientific Publishing Co.), Singapore


Advanced Shipping & Ocean Engineering


   - Editor (World Academic Publish. Co.), Hong Kong


International Educational Scientific Research


   - Editor (IESRJ), India


International Journal of Water Resources  &

    Environmental Engineering

   - Editor (Acadenic Journals), Nigeria



                JOURNAL / BOOK

 (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi as Editor-in-Chief)   


Journal of Agriculture & Forest Meteorology


    - Editor-in-Chief (SciTech Central Inc.), USA



                 JOURNAL / BOOK

          (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi as Editor)   


Applied Sciences  (SCIE IF:  2.5 - 2024)

    o Special Issue

  - Topic: "Air Quality Monitoring, Analysis and Modeling"

   - Guest Editor (MDPI Publisher), Switzerland

     (Dr. Hyo Choi, Dr. Kuruvilla John)

   - Deadline for submission: 25 April, 2025  

    (If you submit early, the article will be published early)


Applied Sciences(SCIE IF:  2.838 )-2023~2024,  

    Special Issue

   - Topic: "Short- and Long Term Air Pollution Analysis,

                   Modeling and Prediction

   - Guest Editor (MDPI Publisher), Switzerland

     (Dr. Hyo Choi, Dr. Milton Speer, Dr. Selahattin Incecik)

   - Deadline for submission: 20 April, 2024  


Climate (SCOUPS)--2023

    Special Issue

  - Topic: "New perspetive in climate modeling and                 forecasting"

  - Guest Editor (MDPI Publisher), Switzerland

     (Dr. Hyo Choi, Dr. Salvatore Magazù,

     Dr. Konstantia Tolika, Dr. Maria Teresa Caccamo)


Applied Sciences(SCIE IF:  2.838 )-2022,

    Special Issue

   - Topic: "Environment and Helath Influenced by

                      COVID-19 Pandemic"

   - Guest Editor (MDPI Publisher), Switzerland

     (Dr. Hyo Choi, Dr. Milton Speer)   


Applied Sciences(SCIE IF: 2.679 )--2022,

    Special Issue

   -Topic: "Characteristics of Air Pollution

                 Assessment & modeling"

   - Guest Editor (MDPI Publisher),  Switzerland

     (Dr. Hyo Choi, Dr. Milton Speer)


Climate (SCOUPS)--2018

    Special Issue

   - Topic: "Ocean's role  on Continental & Coastal Climate                     Vatiability and Change"

   - Guest Editor (Climate Editorial Office), Switzerland

       (Dr. Hyo Choi, Dr. Milton Speer)


International Journal of Environment & Pollution

     (SCI )--2009

     Special Issue

  - Topic: "Air Quality Management"

  - Editor (InderScience Publsher), United Kingdom

     (UK; England)

     (Dr. Hyo Choi, Dr. Selahattin, Dr. Aysel T. Atimtay)



            (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)


International Biographical Centre (IBC)

     United Kingdom (UK; England)


    Dr. Hyo Choi :

     Deputy General Director

     January 01, 2005. ~ Present


South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,

    Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    O Dr. Hyo Choi :

     High-end Foreign Expert (高端外国专家)

     March 01, 2015  ~ Present


IOC-WESTPAC Working Group Member

     of Tropical Cyclones (United Nation)

     (The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific      (WESTPAC) - Data Buoy Cooperation Panel, Tropical      Cyclones;

     Intergovernmental Oceanograpic Commission of      

     United Nation Educational, Scientific & Cultural      Organization (IOC / UNESCO)


    O Dr. Hyo Choi :

     Working Group Member

     January 13, 2015  ~ Present


Zhejiang Ocean University-(Zhoushan),

    School of Marine Sciences, Zhoushan, Zhejiang,



    O Dr. Hyo Choi :

     Adjunct Professor (兼職敎授)

     September 25, 2013  ~ Present



Pondicherry University,

   Dept. of Disaster Management,

     Port Blair, Andaman, India


    Dr. Hyo Choi :

     Examiner of Ph.D. student dissertation      

     November 22, 2015 ~ Present


Acharva Nagarjuna University,

    Dept. of Environmental Sciences,

     Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur District, 

     Andhra Pradesh, India


    Dr. Hyo Choi :

     Examiner of Ph.D. student dissertation      

     February 7, 2014 ~ 2015


NationalUniversity of Singapore,

    Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering,

     1 Engineering Drive 2, E1A 07-03, Singapore

    (World University Ranking-12th; Asia University

      Ranking 1st (2015) by QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)

        in United Kingdom)


    Dr. Hyo Choi :

     Examiner of Ph.D. student dissertation      

     2010 ~ 2011


Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),

    School of Engineering & Technology,

     Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

    (Established by SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty       Organization in 1954) in 1959 to educate high       level leaders with Master and Doctoral degrees,        coming from 50 nations, in present)


    Dr. Hyo Choi :

     Examiner of Ph.D. student dissertation      





5th International Conference on Health

                        GIS 2013

          21~23 August, 2013: Bangkok, Thailand


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker

 International Advisory Committee Member


BIT-3rd WCMB-2013 Annual World Congress

                   of Marine Biotechnology

      23~25 September, 2013, Hangzhou, China


 O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker

 Session Chair

          BIT-3rd WCMB-2013 Annual World Congress of Marine

                           Biotechnology - Hangzhou, China


9th International Conference on Air Quality - 

                Science &  Application

   24~28 March, 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member


2014 International Conference on Environmental

  Disaster Management Prediction (ICEDMP-2014)

      18~20 August, 2014, Gangneung, Korea


 O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Chair, Organizing Committee


Dr. Choi's English Interviewwith

     "Gangdong TV News (China)"

  -- "Advanced method of Typhoon track

          prediction technology"             

         25 August, 2015, Gangzhou, China


ICESB 2015 (5th International Conference  

    on Environment Science & Biotechnology

            9~11 November, 2015, Jinju, Korea


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Technical Committee Chair

 Keynote Speaker


6th International Conference on Health

                     GIS 2015

           19~21 November, 2015, Mysore, India


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker


Joint EOGC-GIT4NDM 2015 Conference

   8~10 December, 2015, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Committee Member


10th International Conference on Air

        Quality-Science & Application

             14~18 March, 2016, Milan, Italy


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member


2017 4th International Conference on

        Coastal & Ocean Engineering

                     (ICCOE 2017)

       28~30 March, 2017, Osaka, Japan


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker


2017 3rd International Conference on    

    Advances in Environment Research

                     (ICAER 2017)

            23~25 May, 2017, Beijing, China


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

 Technical Committee

 Keynote Speaker



5th International Conference on     

   Oceanography & Marine Biology

        18~20  October, 2017, Seoul, Korea


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Organizing Committee

 Renowned Speaker

 Keynote Speaker


11th International Conference on Air 

        Quality - Science &  Application

       12~16 March, 2018, Barocelona, Spain


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member


8th International Conference on Environment

           & Industrial Innovation(ICEII 2018)

            27~29 April, 2018, Shanghai, China



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

  Program Chair


2018 9th International Confeence on 

    Biology, Environment & Chemistry

                      (ICBEC 2018)

          10~12  October, 2018, Seoul, Korea


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

 Keynote Speaker


9th International Conference on

    Environment & Industrial Innovation

                        (ICEII 2019)

      25~28 April, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

  Program Chair


2019 6th International Conference on

     Coastal & Ocean Engineering

                    (ICCOE 2019)

    25~28 April, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

  Conference Chair (President)

  Keynote Speaker


ICAER 2019 5th International Confeence on

       Avances in Environment Research

             13~15 August, 2019, Singapore


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)


18th Worl Clean Air Congress

    23~27  September, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Program Committee Member


10th International Conference-School of

     Young Scientists--"Wave & Vortices in

       Complex Media"

    03~05 December, 2019, Moscow, Russia


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Program Committee Member


ICAER 2020 5th International Confeence on

          Avances in Environment Research

             26~28 August, 2020, Sapporo, Japan


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)


2020 20th International Confeence on Fluxes

                  and Structures in Fluids

     26~28 October, 2020, Murmansk, Russia


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Program Committee Member    



2021 Asia Environment & Resource

   Engineering Conference (AERE 2021)

            14~16 October, 2021, Singapore


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)


2022 27th Pacific Congress on Marine

      Science Technology (PACON-2022)

     6~7 September, 2022, Gangnneung, Korea


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

                       International Committee

Dr. H. Choi, Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster ResearchInstitute,

       Korea (PACON-President)    

Dr.  H. Saito, Nihon University, Japan (PACON-Secretary)

Dr. V. Lobanov, V.I. II'Ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute,Russia

Dr. J.B. Ahn,Pusan National University, Korea

Dr. A. Babanin, University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr. L. Mitnik, V.I. II'Ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute,Russia

Dr. D.L. Tang, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China

Dr. K. Hotta, Nihon University, Japan

Dr. A. Abekker, School of Engineering, FEFU, Russia

Dr. M. Crosby, Mote Marine Laboratory, USA

Dr. J. Wiltshire, University of Hawaii, USA

Dr. K Masuda, Nihon University, Japan

Dr. K. Leber, University of Florida, USA

Dr. H. Kohno, Hoshi University, Japan

Dr. Y. Ye, Zhejiang University, China

Dr. T. Ikoma, Nihon University, Japan
Dr. Byungul Lee, Jeju National University, Korea


Abstract Submission :

Due Date:August 10, 2022

To download a sample abstract, click Abstract Template  inside the web


Publication :

- Proceeding

- Disaster Advances(SCOPUS), Climate(SCOUPS),

- International Journal of Oceans & Oceanography(WoS)

- Applied Science(SCIE)


Registration Fee:  Free


5th International Coference on Water   

   Resource, Environmental Protection &

   Sustainable Development (WRESD 2024)

     6~8 December, 2024, Shanghai, China



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)


               (Conducted by Dr. Hyo Choi)


Pacific Congress on Marine Science

           and Technology (PACON)  (Japan)


 O Dr. Hyo Choi :

   President- 15 October, 2021 ~ Present


 O 27th Program & abstracts  (pp. 1~55)

     (27th PACON-2022; 6~7 September, GangneungKorea )


2nd AOGS 2005 International Meeting

                16~20 June, Singapore

   (Nation: 43; Participant; 846; Paper; 1,060)


   "OA4-Atmospheric Environment"                    

   "OA7-Urban & Regional Climatology"


 Dr. Hyo Choi :          

 Convenor"OA4 & OA7, AOGS" (2004~2005)

 Vice President: "AS Section" (2005~2006)

 Editor-In-Chief: "Advances in Geosciences-5"


3rd AQM International Symposium2005

            26~30, September, Istanbul, Turkey 


 Dr. Hyo Choi :


 International Committee member

 Guest Editor : "International Journal of Environment

                                & Pollution" (SCI Indexed)


3rd AOGS 2006 International Meeting

                  10~14 July, Singapore

       (Nation: 43; Participant; 744; Paper; 844)


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 President : "AS Section" (2006~2008)  

 Editor-In-Chief:"Advances in Geosciences-5"


4th AOGS 2007 International Meeting

       31 July ~ 4 August,  Bangkok, Thailand


        (Nation: 49; Participant; 1,093; Paper; 1,172)


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 President : "AS Section" (2006~2008)  

 Editor:"Advances in Geosciences-9"


2008 Culture & Peace International Forum   

            27~29 May, 2008: Seungnam, Korea

             (The Academy of Korean Studies)


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Session Convenor & Speaker:

   Peace between Environment & Ecology

   -- Environment & Ecological system in 21 centry


5th AOGS 2008 International Meeting

           16~20 June, Busan, Korea

   (Nation: 52; Participant; 1,627; Paper; 1,704)


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Convenor:Atmospheric Environment & Pollution (AS10)"

 President : "AS Section" (2006~2008)  


3rd International Conference Health GIS, 2009

            (Geographicaal Information System)

          24~26 July, 2009: Hyderabad, India


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker


6th AOGS 2009 International Meeting

               11~15 August, Singapore

     (Nation: 52;  Participant: 1,149 :  Paper: 1,226 )


 O Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Convenor:"Atmospheric Environment/Pollution (AS10)

 Vice President:"AS Section" (2008~2009) 



7th AOGS 2010 International Meeting

                5~9 July, Hyderabad, India

  (Nation: 43;  Participant: 1,054 :  Paper: 1,118 )


 O Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Convenor:"Air Pollution & Atmospheric Environment

                       Pollution Disaster Issues (AS27)


5th PEACE / CREAM Ocean Workshop

       11~12 Sept, 2010 Gangneung, Korea


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Organizing Chair:5th PEACE Workshop


3rd International Conference on

    Geoinformation Technology for National     Disaster Management & Rehabilitation

          19~20 Oct., 2010 Chiang Mai, Thailand


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Key Speaker


1st International Conference on Managing

        Ecosystem Health of Tropical Seas:

      Environmental Management of Coastal 

            Ecosystem (ECOSEAS 2010)

          19~21 Oct., 2010 Putrajaya, Malaysia


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Committee Member: (2010~2011)


1st DPTM2010 International Conference

          23~25 Oct., 2010: Chongqing, China


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker


5th SASTech International Symposium

           12~17 May, 2011, Mashhad, Iran


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker


8th AOGS 2011 International Meeting

           8~12 August, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan


 O Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Convenor:"Typhoon Impact on Ocean Environment &

                         Disaster (OS14)

 Convenor:"Air Quality Modeling & Monitoring (AS15)



8th International Conference on Air Quality

                       & Application

             19~23 March, 2012: Athens, Greece


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Committee Member : (2010-2012)


6th SASTech International Symposium

     24~25 March, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker



4th AQM International Conference

    10~13 September, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scentific Advisor


2nd DPTM2012 International Conference

        22~24, September, 2012: Chengdu, China


Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Committee Member : (2010-2012)


4th GIT4NDM - 2012 International Conference

       7~8 November, 2012, Colombo, Sri Langka


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker


ICCNCE 2013 International Conference on

      Computer, Networks & Communication


                 23~24 May, 2013: Beijing, China


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Technical Committee Member


EOGC'2013 & 2013 Canadian Institute of  

        Geoinformatics Annual Conference

               5~7 June, 2013, Toronto, Canada


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Committee Member


10th AOGS 2013-Asia-Oceania Geoscience


         24~28 June, 2013, Brisbane, Australia

                    (Nation: 47; Paper; 1,300)


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Session Head Convenor - AS21


ICCE 2013-International Congress on  

         Chemistry and Environment

        8~10 July, 2013, Antwerp, Belgium

            (Nation: 20; Participant; 225)


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Session Chair


Seminar, Zhejiang Ocean University

    School of Marine Sciences (Zhoisan)

      25 September, 2013, Zhoushan, China


 O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

  Invited Speaker

  Adjunct Professor (兼職敎授)


5th GiT4NDM - 5th International Conference

    on Geo-Information Technology for Natural

                 Disaster Management

   9~11 October, 2013, Dewey College, Mississauga,                                           Ontario, Canada


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Committee Member


2014 International Conference on Computer

    Communications & InformationTechnology

                              (CCIT 2014)

      16~17 January, 2014: Beijing, China


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Technical Committee Member


3rd Internationa Conference on Earth

          Science & Climate Change

        28~30 July, 2014: San Francisco, USA


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Organizing Committee Member


BIT-4th WCMB-2014 Annual World Congress

                of Marine Biotechnology

           16~18 October, 2014, Dalian, China


 O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker

 Advisory Board Members


AOGS 2015 - 12th Annual Meeting of Asia  

           Oceania Geosciences Society

                   2~7 August, 2015, Singapore


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

Convenor- "AS 06 - Air Quality Modelling & Monitoring



5th International Symposium on Remote

   Sensing of Indian Ocean-South China Sea

                    & Typhoon Sciences

         24~25 August, 2015, Gangzhou, China


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Pleanary Session Chair

 Keynote Speaker

BIT's 5th WCMB-2015 Annual World

    Congress of Marine Biotechnology

     6~8 November, 2015, Qingdao, China


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

   Advisory Board Member

   Renowned Speaker


Arirang TV (UPFRONT Ep88) Discussion--    

    "Strategies for the New Climate Regime" on

     COP21 Paris Agreement (Nov. 30~Dec. 12, 

     2015, France) to UNFCCC (United Nation

     Framework Convention on Climate Change)

            10 December, 2015, Seoul, Korea    



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

   Debater (in English) 

 - Director General, Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster

    Research Institute

 - Dean, Gangneung-Wonju National Universty

 - President, Korea Environmental Sciences Society

 - Senior Researcher, Korea Advanced Institute of

   Science & Technology (KAIST),

    (Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute

          (KORDI; now KIOST)

   (Korean Government Invited Overseas Scientist)



BIT's 6th Low Carbon & Green Growth

                   Earth Summit

             June 30~July 3, 2016, Seoul, Korea


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Advisory Board Member


2016 2nd International Conference on

     Advances in Environment Research

                 (ICAER 2016)

            7~9 July, 2016, Shanghai, China


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

  Conference Chair (President)

  Technical Committee Member

  Keynote Speaker


2017 3rd International Conference on 

           Water Technology (ICWT 2017)

          23~25 May, 2017, Beijing, China





O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

 Technical Committee Member

 Keynote Speaker


2017 7th International Conference on

   Environment Scienc & Biotechnology

                  (ICESB 2017)

       27~29 December, 2017, Tokyo, Japan



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

 Keynote Speaker


2018 5th International Conference on

   Coastal & Ocean Engineering(ICCOE 2018)

         27~29 April, 2018, Shanghai, China



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

  Conference Chair (President)

  Keynote Speaker


2018 4th International Conference on    

    Advances in Environment Research

                    (ICAER 2018)

              28~30 May, 2018, Hong Kong



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

 Technical Committee Member   

  Presentation program


International Conference on Fluxes &

                 Structures in Fluids

            08~10 August, 2018, Vladivostok, Russia



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Programme Committee Member

 Session Chair

 Presentation Schedule:


5th Edition of Euroscicon Conference on

     Environmental Science & Engineering

    29~30  October, 2018, Budapest, Hungary


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :  

 Conference Chair (President)

 Keynote Speaker

 Organizing Committee Member


PACON 26th International Conference

   - Marine Science & Technology for

       Sustainable Development

       16~19  July 2019, Vladivostok, Russia


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Scientific Steering Committee Member


2019 9th International Confeence on Biology,

       Environment & Chemistry (ICBEC 2019)

         25~27 September, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

 Keynote Speaker


6th Edition of Euroscicon Conference on

    Environmental Science & Engineering

        07~09  October, 2019, Osaka, Japan


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :  

 Organizing Committee Member


 2020 7th International Conference on Coastal

           & Ocean Engineering(ICCOE 2020)

            22~24 April, 2020, Singapore



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

  Conference Chair (President)


2020 10th International Confeence on Biology,

       Environment & Chemistry (ICBEC 2020)

          22~24 October, 2020, Lisbon, Portugal


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)

 Keynote Speaker


11th International Conference-School of

     Young Scientists--"Wave & Vortices in

                     Complex Media"

       01~03 December, 2020, Moscow, Russia



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Program Committee Member


7th International Conference on Health

                        GIS 2021

          25~26 February, 2021: Bangkok, Thailand


 Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Keynote Speaker


2022 Asia Environment & Resource

              Engineering Conference

                 (AERE 2022)

           23~25 September, 2022, Singapore


O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 Conference Chair (President)


15th International Conference-"Wave &

     Vortices in Complex Media" (2024)

           19~22 November, 2024, Moscow, Russia



O. Dr. Hyo Choi :

 International Program Committee